Oh, oops. Didn't test things in bin/
newlist and add_members both need a new first parameter to their
'maketext()' calls. For both, it's "mlist".
I'll update the patch.
After applying the per-list templates path (which is otherwise
great), I'm getting this traceback when creating a new list:
Traceback (innermost last):
File "./newlist", line 155, in ?
File "./newlist", line 138, in main
{'listname' : listname,
TypeError: not enough arguments; expected 3, got 2
I get it just after it gives me the aliases block, though it does
seem to create the list ok. Any ideas?
The real answer is to allow private templates files per-list.
Let me see what I can figure out.
Yes that sounds perfect.
Patch #100953 (on sourceforge) allows list-specific files; you
put them in ~mailman/lists/<listname/ , and they're used in
preference to the ones in ~mailman/templates for that list.
It was a bit dodgy how I had to do it; the list object wasn't
previously passed to Utils.maketext(), so I had to find all the
callers of maketext and add the list object to the call params.
Mostly, the change is in Utils.py, but there's a slight touch to
a lot of other files.
I'll submit this over on mailman-developers and see if anyone
has any comments, but it seems to work. Of course it's only
valid against the current CVS snapshot as of right now
(Barry's been changing a lot tonight preparing for beta5).
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