I do find myself wondering why more if this can't be automated by an
installer and ready-to-run binaries, but that's just my win background -
It's easier for admins to spend company money on software licenses I
guess than to roll up the shirt sleeves and fight with it.
It mostly has to do with "coming from radically different sources,
and administered by different people". On Windows there tends to
be one way to do things; in Unix, you are likely to be running Sendmail,
but that's certainly not given. And just because you're installing
a mailing-list manager doesn't mean you have privileges to modify
the mailer on the machine, so they're separate steps.
It's sorta more like being a tenant in a building rather than the
super; for some things, you gotta get the super's attention, or
have him delegate the responsibility to you, so the generic
install process leaves them as separate steps because it can't
assume you are both tenant *and* super.
That said, there *is* some automation to install aliases, but it's
evolving, and better for Mailman 2.1, because the problem is common
and recognized.
(And the name's Dan.)
Turns out my GID for the mailing was 99, I found this out by mail that
bounced, the recommended script for us Postfix'ers "python -c'import os;
print os.getgid()'" returned 538...not sure why, but wanted to report
that to the developers.
To be honest, I don't understand those instructions. It seems to
me that creating the alias file using postalias doesn't help with the
ownership issue, but I've never used that method of adding aliases;
I use Postfix, and I stick with manual edits to /etc/mail/aliases
as I'm used to, and everything's happy.
I'll ask on mailman-developers about what that section of INSTALL
is supposed to be recommending.
Special thanks to Dick and Ashley,
Greg Long
-----Original Message-----
From: mailman-users-admin@python.org
[mailto:mailman-users-admin@python.org] On Behalf Of Dan Mick
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 10:59 PM
To: claw@kanga.nu; mailman-users@python.org;
Subject: RE: [Mailman-Users] Mailman FAQ Wizard
exception that the mail isn't going through - I get "unknown user"
error. Was I to create an account?
because there IS no account created with the ./newlist script,
newlist instructs you to add aliases to support the new list.
The section of INSTALL that talks about running newlist also discusses
Really: follow INSTALL, step by step. If you don't understand a step,
stop and understand it, by hook or crook. It's all in there, and it's
all necessary.
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py