I found it.... The problem was that the was that my archives are no in
pipermail so changing the Alias fixed it.....
Thank you...
Jeff Fiegel wrote:
At 12:20 AM 4/2/00 -0800, you wrote:
Jeff Fiegel wrote:
The problem that I am having is that when I a user select to see the
archive when the archives are public then get the error that the page
cannot be found... Hence the reason why I believe that the file
that is
missing is in the /home/mailman/CGI-BIN dir
I've no idea why you would think that "page not found" means it's a
CGI page. What do you think happens when a normal HTML page is selected
that can't be found?
Because the error log says script not found "/home/mailman/cgi-bin/public"
Ah. Well, having that bit of info might have helped determine that,
yes. I don't know why your archive link is going there...but read on...
... There is a private file there but not a public...
cgi-bin/private is an executable that presents the "private archive
access" authentication screen. There is no need for a "public" script,
since public archives are open to all, and direct URL access is
Okay.... but the url for the public archives is /mailman/public/listname
not for my public archives it's not; the link on the list information page
is "<base>/pipermail/<listname>"; that makes the archives go through
the other Alias in my config file, which, as the documentation says,
should point to /home/mailman/archives/public, which is a directory.
PUBLIC_ARCHIVE_URL in mm_cfg.py is what sets it there. Maybe you
changed that value to something unfortunate?...
and since /mailman is aliased as /home/mailman/cgi-bin....
maybe it isn't a file, a link maybe ? But shouldn't there be something
named public in the /home/mailman/cgi-bin
everything is setup as per the install.. and everything else works fine..
the only problem is the public archives.
I guess the question is "where are you getting that link to the archives,
and why". The one I'm talking about is in the list info page, which for
my mailman is templates/listinfo.html, revision 1.19, and it has a tag
MM-Archive which is interpreted by substituting in PUBLIC_ARCHIVE_URL.