Re: [Mailman-Users] Digests stop being sent after a few days if the Mailman interface is changed to Japanese

(11/08/28 16:18), S. Patrick Eaton wrote:
Mark, Kikuchi-san,
Thank you both for the very thorough and helpful responses!
I think the approach would be the one that Kikuchi-san describes, but it seems like that might involve making changes that our host might not want to make (particularly if it will affect their other users). I will check with them and see what they can do for us in that area.
If it turns out that they are unable to upgrade to the Japanese-enabled version, would changing the character set for English to UTF-8 be enough to prevent this problem from occurring? I suspect that might be a bit easier for our host to agree to.
In that case, you should apply the second option which hack the mailman or system supplied email/ In this case you should watch the mailman or system upgrade because it will revert the hack.
Thanks again for the suggestions!
Best regards,
Patrick Eaton
-- 菊地時夫 2011/3/31 をもって 高知大学 を退職しました。 (旧メールアドレス)
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