Changing the Name of the Mailman Machine

If I need to change the name of the Mailman machine, I can run
bin/withlist -l -a -r fix_url
to update for each list the configuration parameters
I am not sure what to do with the archives, which have the current/old machine name buried therein. Will the
utility accomplish that task? It is not clear from the help displayed with the "-h" option.
I know that there will be apache2 and Postfix changes in addition to the changes. Thanks.
Barry S. Finkel Computing and Information Systems Division Argonne National Laboratory Phone: +1 (630) 252-7277 9700 South Cass Avenue Facsimile:+1 (630) 252-4601 Building 222, Room D209 Internet: Argonne, IL 60439-4828 IBMMAIL: I1004994

Barry Finkel wrote:
bin/arch --wipe
will rebuild the entire archive with the current host in the listinfo link. It is a good idea to first run bin/cleanarch against the archives/private/listname.mbox/listname.mbox files to make sure there won't be any problems from unescaped lines beginning with "From ". You can use the --dry-run option to check the file without writing a new file.
Alternatively, those pages which are updated such as the table of contents and the current and future periodic indexes and new messages will all get the correct name when they are (re)written even if you do nothing, but you'd need to run some kind of editing script to fix the links on pages that won't be updated.
-- Mark Sapiro <> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan

Mark Sapiro sent the message below at 10:26 4/24/2007:
I am curious about this... if the mbox file in question was produced entirely by the stock pipermail archiving functionality of Mailman, is this step really necessary?
Also one thing I don't like about the bin/arch script is that it sets the file creation date of the generated HTML files to the date the file was processed. What I would really prefer is that it sets it to the message date. The reason I would prefer to see that is because I use htdig to index my archives for searches and it is the only way that I know of to get the message date displayed within the search results.
About a year ago when I was importing and updating some previous archives from a majordomo/MHonarc installation, I wrote a Perl script to extract the message date and time and used that to set the creation date of the message file. While that works, it would be nice to have this built into the arch script as an option for those who would like it.
Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

At 10:35 AM -0700 4/24/07, Dragon wrote:
The .../listname.mbox/listname.mbox files are the "raw" 7th edition mbox-format archives for the list. They were not created by pipermail. Pipermail takes those files to create the "cooked" archives which live in .../archive/private/listname/*, in both text and HTML forms.
Well, htdig is not a standard part of the Mailman package. While the kind of functionality you'd like to see would be a nice addition, it's not there -- at least not yet.
If you'd like to add that feature to bin/arch, we'd love to see that contributed back to the Mailman community. Of course, you should also check the SourceForge "patch" page to see if anyone else has already added that feature and contributed their code back to the community, but which has not (yet) been accepted into the main codebase.
-- Brad Knowles <>, Consultant & Author LinkedIn Profile: <> Slides from Invited Talks: <>

Dragon wrote:
It depends on how old the archives are. Current Mailman relies on the email library to escape "From " lines in the body of messages written to the .mbox file, and these should be OK. I think in the distant past, this wasn't done, so if the .mbox file is old enough, it might have unescaped "From " lines.
-- Mark Sapiro <> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan

Barry Finkel wrote:
bin/arch --wipe
will rebuild the entire archive with the current host in the listinfo link. It is a good idea to first run bin/cleanarch against the archives/private/listname.mbox/listname.mbox files to make sure there won't be any problems from unescaped lines beginning with "From ". You can use the --dry-run option to check the file without writing a new file.
Alternatively, those pages which are updated such as the table of contents and the current and future periodic indexes and new messages will all get the correct name when they are (re)written even if you do nothing, but you'd need to run some kind of editing script to fix the links on pages that won't be updated.
-- Mark Sapiro <> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan

Mark Sapiro sent the message below at 10:26 4/24/2007:
I am curious about this... if the mbox file in question was produced entirely by the stock pipermail archiving functionality of Mailman, is this step really necessary?
Also one thing I don't like about the bin/arch script is that it sets the file creation date of the generated HTML files to the date the file was processed. What I would really prefer is that it sets it to the message date. The reason I would prefer to see that is because I use htdig to index my archives for searches and it is the only way that I know of to get the message date displayed within the search results.
About a year ago when I was importing and updating some previous archives from a majordomo/MHonarc installation, I wrote a Perl script to extract the message date and time and used that to set the creation date of the message file. While that works, it would be nice to have this built into the arch script as an option for those who would like it.
Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

At 10:35 AM -0700 4/24/07, Dragon wrote:
The .../listname.mbox/listname.mbox files are the "raw" 7th edition mbox-format archives for the list. They were not created by pipermail. Pipermail takes those files to create the "cooked" archives which live in .../archive/private/listname/*, in both text and HTML forms.
Well, htdig is not a standard part of the Mailman package. While the kind of functionality you'd like to see would be a nice addition, it's not there -- at least not yet.
If you'd like to add that feature to bin/arch, we'd love to see that contributed back to the Mailman community. Of course, you should also check the SourceForge "patch" page to see if anyone else has already added that feature and contributed their code back to the community, but which has not (yet) been accepted into the main codebase.
-- Brad Knowles <>, Consultant & Author LinkedIn Profile: <> Slides from Invited Talks: <>

Dragon wrote:
It depends on how old the archives are. Current Mailman relies on the email library to escape "From " lines in the body of messages written to the .mbox file, and these should be OK. I think in the distant past, this wasn't done, so if the .mbox file is old enough, it might have unescaped "From " lines.
-- Mark Sapiro <> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan
participants (4)
Barry Finkel
Brad Knowles
Mark Sapiro