How the archives get indexed

folks, I still haven't found a solution to getting my archives into reverse-chronological order. I emailed Mailman-Developers on this, and nobody responded, maybe I shouldn't have posted there. I've been searching through the archives of Users and haven't found anything yet. There certainly is nothing in the documentation. There's nothing in config_list.
Does anybody know where, in the code, the chronology or indexing of the
archives is set? That might give me something to tweak.
Again, I need for the most recent messages to appear on the top of the
page, not the bottom. I used to use MHonArc, and this was a variable one could set: either chronological order, or reverse-chronological. As I opined before, chronological order is patently stupid. Jon Carnes says his are, by default, in reverse chrono. Well, mine --- also 2.0.8. -- are by default in chrono. That means there's a toggle switch somewhere. Can anybody make an educated guess, where?
cheers, Kirez
participants (1)
Kirez Korgan