Attached is a patch for the "newlist" utility script.
It causes all informational messages to go to stderr, and the
generated "aliases" to go to stdout. Other than that, newlist works exactly the same (no new command-line options or anything).
That means you can do this:
bin/newlist >> /etc/aliases [...or...] bin/newlist > /tmp/listname.aliases [...or...] bin/newlist listname owner@domain.com passwd > somefile.txt
...and the automatically-generated aliases will be in the file
you redirect stdout to.
Here is a sample run:
[mailman@platinum bin]$ ./newlist > aliases-only.txt Enter the name of the list: ft5 Enter the email of the person running the list: dereks@kd-dev.com Initial ft5 password:
Entry for aliases file... Hit enter to continue with ft5 owner notification...
[mailman@platinum bin]$ cat aliases-only.txt
## ft5 mailing list ## created: 30-Jun-2000 mailman ft5: "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/wrapper post ft5" ft5-admin: "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/wrapper mailowner ft5" ft5-request: "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/wrapper mailcmd ft5" ft5-owner: ft5-admin
[mailman@platinum bin]$
I made this patch because I'm not always in X-windows, meaning I
don't always have a mouse to cut'n'paste the generated aliases into my /etc/aliases file. And I'm too lazy to edit out the informational prompts by hand with vi.
Also, this patch should make it easier for automated/CGI scripts
that create new lists. They won't need to worry about specifically parsing the aliases from the rest of the (informational) output.
If no-one objects, it would be groovy if this could make it into
2.0beta4 (since it's such a simple script).
Thanks, Derek Simkowiak dereks@kd-dev.com
participants (1)
Derek Simkowiak