Re: OFFTOPIC Re: [Mailman-Users] Archive URL in postings (2.1b3)

well, To: is who the email is sent to. CC: are other interested parties.
And who gets to decide that - the actual creator of the content who understands what the message is about, or a piece of infrastructure software that treats all messages it receives the same way?
I don't mind the subject-munging that mailman does if the list owner adds an identifying tag because that's added to the existing header the composer typed; the original information is still there.
Do you think it would make sense, on most lists, to *replace* the subject with (eg) "Subject: Mail from $sender to $listname on $date"? That's the same sort of thing.
But you're making a false assumption here, that the list was in the to line. That's not a safe assumption.
No, I'm not making that assumption at all.
I'm assuming that the person who typed in the message put the list address where s/he thought it belonged. I want to *know* where that person thought it belonged. I know that the list might be in the To: line, in the Cc: line, in the Apparently-To: line added by an MTA, or not reflected in the RFC822 headers at all, and I want to be able to distinguish those cases.
Whether I put an address in the To: list or the Cc: list or the Bcc: list when I compose a message is *not* random, but deliberately chosen. I don't *want* it "standardized" - it's content-bearing.

On Tuesday, October 29, 2002, at 11:35 AM, Jay Sekora wrote:
Now we start getting into heavy philosophical issues about all this. Which means there are likely no "right" answers in an objective sense. I say that up front, just in case. I want folks to know I'm not arguing "I'm right", but "this is how I think it ought to be". Maybe a minor semantical shift, but a key one, IMHO.
OTOH, I *really* hate subject munging. here's why: my research shows that the subject line is the A-number-1 determinator of whether a user opens a piece of email or not. That's THE key item of information for whether it gets deleted out of the summary listing unread or not.
The subject line is ALREADY seriously challenged as an information source -- effectively, it's limited to about 50 characters by most mail clients, in some cases, that can be as low as 35 characters in some mail clients.
So when you tell me that the original author only has 50 characters to convince someone to open their piece of email, but you think it's okay for the MLM to take 10-15% of that space, and the 10-15% PRIME space at the front of the line, to install a flag that already exists elsewhere in the headers (list-id, sender, etc), I have problems with that. You've effectively kicked the user out of a good chunk of his own space advertising why someone should read that message, and stuffed in the equivalent of a pop-up ad into that space for the mailing list.
I consider that a horrible tradeoff. I won't go so far as to call it an abuse of the subject line, but I think it's really hurting the intent of the user, which is to give them the ability to convince someone to read that message.
To me, that's a much bigger sin than regularizing how the To and CC are presented, because if nothing else, that's an attempt to make it easier to use that information without depending on how the original user presented it. After all, you're dependin on them doing the to: list, CC: you, and while that might be true, it's not guaranteed true. And MLMs have played with it as well. This is just a new take on how to structure it.
No. I argue the opposite, that subject line is one of the headers taht I consider MOST untouchable.
then why don't you care what the person put in the subject line? addresses are -- addresses. The subject line is the author's own thought on the piece of email. But it's okay to play with that, but not standardize the look of the addresses? To/cc/bcc is really an artificial construct in the email world, anyway, a hangover from the paper days. The subject line is the author's knock on your front door.
-- Chuq Von Rospach, Architech --
IMHO: Jargon. Acronym for In My Humble Opinion. Used to flag as an opinion something that is clearly from context an opinion to everyone except the mentally dense. Opinions flagged by IMHO are actually rarely humble. IMHO. (source: third unabridged dictionary of chuqui-isms).

"CVR" == Chuq Von Rospach <> writes:
CVR> The subject line is ALREADY seriously challenged as an
CVR> information source -- effectively, it's limited to about 50
CVR> characters by most mail clients, in some cases, that can be
CVR> as low as 35 characters in some mail clients.
CVR> So when you tell me that the original author only has 50
CVR> characters to convince someone to open their piece of email,
CVR> but you think it's okay for the MLM to take 10-15% of that
CVR> space, and the 10-15% PRIME space at the front of the line,
CVR> to install a flag that already exists elsewhere in the
CVR> headers (list-id, sender, etc), I have problems with
CVR> that. You've effectively kicked the user out of a good chunk
CVR> of his own space advertising why someone should read that
CVR> message, and stuffed in the equivalent of a pop-up ad into
CVR> that space for the mailing list.
Very interesting point! -Barry

- Chuq Von Rospach <> [2002-10-29 12:08:28 -0800]:
I told you it was philosophical! :p
I think his point is that the specific type of Subject:-munging happening here doesn't destroy information; the entire original subject is there for perusal, it's just been moved over 15 characters or so. An enterprising procmail user could surgically remove it and restore the message to its original state. However, with the To/CC modifications, you're making changes that are impossible to back out. Someone put it a lot better than I did, a few messages back, when they said (paraphrasing here) "those headers aren't standard, and that's the point...they're put there in a particular way by the sender of the message, and I want to know what that way was when I get it, because there is a form of content [albeit meta-content :p -- Ed.] in them". Putting it that way really rang true for me, because that's IT...even if the user (who sends the mail) _does_ do something that hoses up my filters, then that's what I want to know...not have the MLM correct it for me.
John Buttery (Web page temporarily unavailable)

On Tuesday, October 29, 2002, at 11:35 AM, Jay Sekora wrote:
Now we start getting into heavy philosophical issues about all this. Which means there are likely no "right" answers in an objective sense. I say that up front, just in case. I want folks to know I'm not arguing "I'm right", but "this is how I think it ought to be". Maybe a minor semantical shift, but a key one, IMHO.
OTOH, I *really* hate subject munging. here's why: my research shows that the subject line is the A-number-1 determinator of whether a user opens a piece of email or not. That's THE key item of information for whether it gets deleted out of the summary listing unread or not.
The subject line is ALREADY seriously challenged as an information source -- effectively, it's limited to about 50 characters by most mail clients, in some cases, that can be as low as 35 characters in some mail clients.
So when you tell me that the original author only has 50 characters to convince someone to open their piece of email, but you think it's okay for the MLM to take 10-15% of that space, and the 10-15% PRIME space at the front of the line, to install a flag that already exists elsewhere in the headers (list-id, sender, etc), I have problems with that. You've effectively kicked the user out of a good chunk of his own space advertising why someone should read that message, and stuffed in the equivalent of a pop-up ad into that space for the mailing list.
I consider that a horrible tradeoff. I won't go so far as to call it an abuse of the subject line, but I think it's really hurting the intent of the user, which is to give them the ability to convince someone to read that message.
To me, that's a much bigger sin than regularizing how the To and CC are presented, because if nothing else, that's an attempt to make it easier to use that information without depending on how the original user presented it. After all, you're dependin on them doing the to: list, CC: you, and while that might be true, it's not guaranteed true. And MLMs have played with it as well. This is just a new take on how to structure it.
No. I argue the opposite, that subject line is one of the headers taht I consider MOST untouchable.
then why don't you care what the person put in the subject line? addresses are -- addresses. The subject line is the author's own thought on the piece of email. But it's okay to play with that, but not standardize the look of the addresses? To/cc/bcc is really an artificial construct in the email world, anyway, a hangover from the paper days. The subject line is the author's knock on your front door.
-- Chuq Von Rospach, Architech --
IMHO: Jargon. Acronym for In My Humble Opinion. Used to flag as an opinion something that is clearly from context an opinion to everyone except the mentally dense. Opinions flagged by IMHO are actually rarely humble. IMHO. (source: third unabridged dictionary of chuqui-isms).

"CVR" == Chuq Von Rospach <> writes:
CVR> The subject line is ALREADY seriously challenged as an
CVR> information source -- effectively, it's limited to about 50
CVR> characters by most mail clients, in some cases, that can be
CVR> as low as 35 characters in some mail clients.
CVR> So when you tell me that the original author only has 50
CVR> characters to convince someone to open their piece of email,
CVR> but you think it's okay for the MLM to take 10-15% of that
CVR> space, and the 10-15% PRIME space at the front of the line,
CVR> to install a flag that already exists elsewhere in the
CVR> headers (list-id, sender, etc), I have problems with
CVR> that. You've effectively kicked the user out of a good chunk
CVR> of his own space advertising why someone should read that
CVR> message, and stuffed in the equivalent of a pop-up ad into
CVR> that space for the mailing list.
Very interesting point! -Barry

- Chuq Von Rospach <> [2002-10-29 12:08:28 -0800]:
I told you it was philosophical! :p
I think his point is that the specific type of Subject:-munging happening here doesn't destroy information; the entire original subject is there for perusal, it's just been moved over 15 characters or so. An enterprising procmail user could surgically remove it and restore the message to its original state. However, with the To/CC modifications, you're making changes that are impossible to back out. Someone put it a lot better than I did, a few messages back, when they said (paraphrasing here) "those headers aren't standard, and that's the point...they're put there in a particular way by the sender of the message, and I want to know what that way was when I get it, because there is a form of content [albeit meta-content :p -- Ed.] in them". Putting it that way really rang true for me, because that's IT...even if the user (who sends the mail) _does_ do something that hoses up my filters, then that's what I want to know...not have the MLM correct it for me.
John Buttery (Web page temporarily unavailable)
participants (4)
Chuq Von Rospach
Jay Sekora
John Buttery