Re: [Mailman-Users] Fwd: BCC and bounces

Please make sure the list is Cc'ed (use Reply to All).
Borja Riesgo Juan writes:
No, that's not the right one.
I guess your system is not set up to permit personalized delivery. To enable it, you need to add
to the configuration file. Unfortunately, it sounds like you are using a cheap shared host for your domain, and it's probable that you don't have access to that file and your ISP won't make this change for you (it can put a lot of pressure on their mail server).
In that case, there's really nothing you can do to get Mailman to send mail that appears to be addressed "To: One Recipient" -- it's just against your ISP's rules. But try asking your ISP.
If not, the best you can do is use Mailman as a mailing list manager, and hope people don't mind.
participants (1)
Stephen J. Turnbull