I use Mailman for three mailing lists - one of which is posting only by moderator and the other is posting only by members.
However, I am being asked to approve all mail on all three lists.
How can I make the two so that members can post without my approval?
Thanks for any help you can offer.
Warmly, Eric McGrath
Rev. Eric McGrath, P.O. Box 118, Lively, Ontario P3Y 1M2 "1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given" E-mail - ericmcgrath@sympatico.ca Web site - http://www3.sympatico.ca/ericmcgrath
Pulpit Supply is a free daily e-mail ministry of fact and fun for the whole family. To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change subscription details, visit: http://lively.ca/mailman/listinfo/pulpitsupply_lively.ca
PastorsHelper is a free mailing list for church pastoral staff members, through which to share sermon ideas. To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change subscription details, visit: http://lively.ca/mailman/listinfo/pastorshelper_lively.ca Members can post to: PastorsHelper@lively.ca
Cancer Support List is a free mailing list for cancer patients and caregivers, through which support can be mutually shared. To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change subscription details, visit: http://lively.ca/mailman/listinfo/cancersupportlist_lively.ca Members can post to: Cancersupportlist@lively.ca
participants (2)
Eric McGrath
Jeff Barger