Hello, I want to formally express my dislike of the format of the last digest I received. Multiple separate Outlook Express messages as attachments is a very unhandy format for casually scanning the messages for something that might be useful for my site.
Thanks, Dale
Dale Pace UNIX Administrator ODS Health Plans 503 948-5590 x1325 paced@odshp.com

"DP" == Dale Pace <paced@odshp.com> writes:
DP> Hello, I want to formally express my dislike of the format of
DP> the last digest I received. Multiple separate Outlook Express
DP> messages as attachments is a very unhandy format for casually
DP> scanning the messages for something that might be useful for
DP> my site.
Sorry, I don't understand. If you don't like MIME digests maybe you'd prefer the plain text digests? They're easy to select in your options page.

On Wed, Nov 28, 2001 at 07:14:30AM -0800, Dale Pace wrote:
Hello, I want to formally express my dislike of the format of the last digest I received. Multiple separate Outlook Express messages as attachments is a very unhandy format for casually scanning the messages for something that might be useful for my site.
I'd like to formally register doubt that mailman sends anything at all in "Outlook Express" formats.
It just might use MIME.
Dan Wilder <dan@ssc.com> Technical Manager & Editor SSC, Inc. P.O. Box 55549 Phone: 206-782-8808 Seattle, WA 98155-0549 URL http://embedded.linuxjournal.com/

As a Mailman admin, you can set which type of digest is default (Plain or Mime) on the Digest-member Options page. As a list user, you can override the default and have the format of your preference sent to you.
Many people like the Mime digests though. Makes replying easier, for one thing.
- H
Hello, I want to formally express my dislike of the format of the last digest I received. Multiple separate Outlook Express messages as attachments is a very unhandy format for casually scanning the messages for something that might be useful for my site.
Thanks, Dale
Dale Pace UNIX Administrator ODS Health Plans 503 948-5590 x1325 paced@odshp.com
Harold Paulson Sierra Web Design haroldp@sierraweb.com http://www.sierraweb.com VOICE: 775.833.9500 FAX: 810.314.1517
participants (4)
Dale Pace
Dan Wilder
Harold Paulson