I just double checked and it works fine on all my sites... Do you have any lists with "=" in the name?
If that is the case, then you would need to modify the first line and add in an additional cut:
SIZ=grep -i "post to $i" $POST |grep success |cut -f2- -d, | \ cut -f2 -d= |cut -f1 -d,
k=0; for j in $SIZ; do k=$(( j + k )); done
echo " Total bytes" = $k >> $TMPFILE
This additional cut will remove the listname from the line before using the "=" to isolate the size of the message
If that doesn't do it for you, then drop a copy of your post log and the name of the list with the problems and I'll see what needs to be modified.
Hope this is helpful - Jon Carnes
On Fri, 2004-02-27 at 10:24, Al Black wrote:
Hey John,
At 01:08 PM 2/27/2004 -0500, Jon Carnes wrote:
Nope didn't do the trick. None of the lists have an "=" in them but all but two have "-"
lls test lls-business lls-ts lls-12step-men lls-12step-women
I've attached the post logs, although there's not much in it because I rotated them a while ago. If its better I can un pack one, and send it along. The bug still happens though, even with the limited set.
Feb 27 10:52:19 2004 (42920) post to test from test-bounces@aa-lamplighters.org, size=950, message-id=<mailman.0.1077904336.42918.test@aa-lamplighters.org>, 1 failures Feb 27 10:54:51 2004 (42920) post to test from test-bounces@aa-lamplighters.org, size=950, message-id=<mailman.2.1077904490.42918.test@aa-lamplighters.org>, 1 failures Feb 27 10:55:32 2004 (42920) post to lls from alblack@achilles.net, size=1549, message-id=<>, success Feb 27 11:11:16 2004 (42920) post to lls from chicaricax@aol.com, size=1388, message-id=<80.64d9a2f.2d70e22c@aol.com>, success Feb 27 11:25:29 2004 (42920) post to lls from clb14@humboldt.edu, size=2461, message-id=<1154.>, success Feb 27 11:43:31 2004 (42920) post to lls from tye@adnc.com, size=3733, message-id=<001c01c3fd61$90b7b740$bbddd8d1@D2407T31>, success Feb 27 11:45:54 2004 (42920) post to 12-step-women from jenifer_mule@yahoo.com, size=1495, message-id=<20040227184544.71558.qmail@web41713.mail.yahoo.com>, success Feb 27 11:51:38 2004 (42920) post to 12-step-women from lillamb1997@yahoo.co.uk, size=1234, message-id=<000301c3fd62$c2086be0$9800a8c0@obione>, success Feb 27 12:01:55 2004 (42920) post to lls from lyndi@insightbb.com, size=1949, message-id=<403F9403.CFF8EEC4@insightbb.com>, success Feb 27 12:02:45 2004 (42920) post to lls from arkie@hawaii.rr.com, size=2310, message-id=<BC64B810.F7DB%arkie@hawaii.rr.com>, success Feb 27 12:27:07 2004 (42920) post to lls from jenifer_mule@yahoo.com, size=3337, message-id=<20040227192652.61900.qmail@web41710.mail.yahoo.com>, success Feb 27 12:35:53 2004 (42920) post to lls from bwtyler@email.com, size=1622, message-id=<!~!UENERkVCMDkAAQACAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABgAAAAAAAAA2BrmIb0c1EOFE7B/Cg9dzcKAAAAQAAAA6lJ+pmhxW0aVnoAL++d4VgEAAAAA@email.com>, success Feb 27 12:45:14 2004 (42920) post to lls from gomez423@adelphia.net, size=1370, message-id=<ECEPLGNNJMINLGDFLBLCOEDACCAA.gomez423@adelphia.net>, success
On Fri, 2004-02-27 at 15:25, Al Black wrote:
Sorry, Al
Your sample worked just fine - no errors. I checked it against all your list names. Check your script for typos.
You can also run each part of the script and see what results you get:
grep -i "post to lls" post # this will show you all the attempted posts to list lls
grep -i "post to lls" post |grep success # this will show you all successful posts to the list lls
grep -i "post to lls" post |grep success |cut -f2 -d= # this will remove all info on the left side of the message size # the output will like like this: 1549, message-id 1388, message-id 2461, message-id 3733, message-id 1949, message-id 2310, message-id 3337, message-id 1622, message-id 1370, message-id
grep -i "post to lls" post |grep success |cut -f2 -d= |cut -f1 -d, # this drops the info to the right of the message size # the message size is now isolated on each line: 1549 1388 2461 3733 1949 2310 3337 1622 1370
It worked just fine here. Good luck again
Jon Carnes
When I send the Who command to the list and get the response from the server, each email address has 8 spaces in front of it. I would like to express at least one request to remove those spaces in the code that generates the list as I have to manually do so when I am moving addresses between lists. It's not a big deal, obviously, but it would be helpful.
Hey John,
At 01:08 PM 2/27/2004 -0500, Jon Carnes wrote:
Nope didn't do the trick. None of the lists have an "=" in them but all but two have "-"
lls test lls-business lls-ts lls-12step-men lls-12step-women
I've attached the post logs, although there's not much in it because I rotated them a while ago. If its better I can un pack one, and send it along. The bug still happens though, even with the limited set.
Feb 27 10:52:19 2004 (42920) post to test from test-bounces@aa-lamplighters.org, size=950, message-id=<mailman.0.1077904336.42918.test@aa-lamplighters.org>, 1 failures Feb 27 10:54:51 2004 (42920) post to test from test-bounces@aa-lamplighters.org, size=950, message-id=<mailman.2.1077904490.42918.test@aa-lamplighters.org>, 1 failures Feb 27 10:55:32 2004 (42920) post to lls from alblack@achilles.net, size=1549, message-id=<>, success Feb 27 11:11:16 2004 (42920) post to lls from chicaricax@aol.com, size=1388, message-id=<80.64d9a2f.2d70e22c@aol.com>, success Feb 27 11:25:29 2004 (42920) post to lls from clb14@humboldt.edu, size=2461, message-id=<1154.>, success Feb 27 11:43:31 2004 (42920) post to lls from tye@adnc.com, size=3733, message-id=<001c01c3fd61$90b7b740$bbddd8d1@D2407T31>, success Feb 27 11:45:54 2004 (42920) post to 12-step-women from jenifer_mule@yahoo.com, size=1495, message-id=<20040227184544.71558.qmail@web41713.mail.yahoo.com>, success Feb 27 11:51:38 2004 (42920) post to 12-step-women from lillamb1997@yahoo.co.uk, size=1234, message-id=<000301c3fd62$c2086be0$9800a8c0@obione>, success Feb 27 12:01:55 2004 (42920) post to lls from lyndi@insightbb.com, size=1949, message-id=<403F9403.CFF8EEC4@insightbb.com>, success Feb 27 12:02:45 2004 (42920) post to lls from arkie@hawaii.rr.com, size=2310, message-id=<BC64B810.F7DB%arkie@hawaii.rr.com>, success Feb 27 12:27:07 2004 (42920) post to lls from jenifer_mule@yahoo.com, size=3337, message-id=<20040227192652.61900.qmail@web41710.mail.yahoo.com>, success Feb 27 12:35:53 2004 (42920) post to lls from bwtyler@email.com, size=1622, message-id=<!~!UENERkVCMDkAAQACAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABgAAAAAAAAA2BrmIb0c1EOFE7B/Cg9dzcKAAAAQAAAA6lJ+pmhxW0aVnoAL++d4VgEAAAAA@email.com>, success Feb 27 12:45:14 2004 (42920) post to lls from gomez423@adelphia.net, size=1370, message-id=<ECEPLGNNJMINLGDFLBLCOEDACCAA.gomez423@adelphia.net>, success
On Fri, 2004-02-27 at 15:25, Al Black wrote:
Sorry, Al
Your sample worked just fine - no errors. I checked it against all your list names. Check your script for typos.
You can also run each part of the script and see what results you get:
grep -i "post to lls" post # this will show you all the attempted posts to list lls
grep -i "post to lls" post |grep success # this will show you all successful posts to the list lls
grep -i "post to lls" post |grep success |cut -f2 -d= # this will remove all info on the left side of the message size # the output will like like this: 1549, message-id 1388, message-id 2461, message-id 3733, message-id 1949, message-id 2310, message-id 3337, message-id 1622, message-id 1370, message-id
grep -i "post to lls" post |grep success |cut -f2 -d= |cut -f1 -d, # this drops the info to the right of the message size # the message size is now isolated on each line: 1549 1388 2461 3733 1949 2310 3337 1622 1370
It worked just fine here. Good luck again
Jon Carnes
When I send the Who command to the list and get the response from the server, each email address has 8 spaces in front of it. I would like to express at least one request to remove those spaces in the code that generates the list as I have to manually do so when I am moving addresses between lists. It's not a big deal, obviously, but it would be helpful.
participants (3)
Al Black
Jon Carnes
Mike Phillips