Can someone please let me know how to intergrate spamassassin with Mailman?
Running both 2.1.4 and 2.0.13 on different servers.
MomNDoc Online Consultants http://www.maddoc.net/ momndoc@maddoc.net

Hi, i'm usinge MailMan and SpamAssassin. in fact i use amavisd-new + SpamAssassin+Sophos+Postfix and MailMan as List Manager.
it's quite easy too install.
Laurent ----- Original Message ----- From: "Doc Schneider" <maddoc@maddoc.net> To: "mailman-users" <mailman-users@python.org> Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 7:32 PM Subject: [Mailman-Users] Mailman and Spamassassin
Can someone please let me know how to intergrate spamassassin with Mailman?
Running both 2.1.4 and 2.0.13 on different servers.
MomNDoc Online Consultants http://www.maddoc.net/ momndoc@maddoc.net
Mailman-Users mailing list Mailman-Users@python.org http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-users Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Quoting Doc Schneider (maddoc@maddoc.net):
Can someone please let me know how to intergrate spamassassin with Mailman?
Running both 2.1.4 and 2.0.13 on different servers.
I've been doing this for ages on all the publically known mailing lists. What I did was re-alias the posting address to
copilot-announce: "|/usr/bin/procmail -m MAILMAN=copilot-announce /etc/procmailrcs/mailman" rfc: "|/usr/bin/procmail -m MAILMAN=rfc /etc/procmailrcs/mailman"
Then /etc/procmailrcs/mailman is a file that belongs to user "nobody.nobody" (because that's who Mailman expects mail to come from) which looks sort of like:
HOME=/var/mailman SPAMFOLDER=${HOME}/Mail/caughtspam LOGFILE=${HOME}/Mail/log
- ^Content-Type: multipart/
:0 B:
- ^Content-Type:.*(^.*)?name=.*\.(bat|com|exe|lnk|pif|scr|shs|vbs) /dev/null }
:0fw | ${SPAMC}
- ^X-Spam-Status: Yes ${SPAMFOLDER}
:0 |/var/mailman/mail/mailman post ${MAILMAN}
-- Paul Tomblin <ptomblin@xcski.com> http://xcski.com/blogs/pt/ With so many "textbook cases" of single points of failure, you'd think that we'd stop building systems to demonstrate the concept. -- Matt Curtin

Can anyone please tell me if it is possible to use procmail and Mailman together? If it is, can someone please direct me in the right direction ... thank you!

At 5:27 PM -0700 2004/05/18, Andreas Freyvogel wrote:
Can anyone please tell me if it is possible to use procmail and Mailman together? If it is, can someone please direct me in the right direction ... thank you!
Use them together? In what way? There's a good deal of feature
overlap between the two programs, but for different reasons. What is it that you're trying to achieve?
-- Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles@skynet.be>
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.
SAGE member since 1995. See <http://www.sage.org/> for more info.

On Tue, 18 May 2004 17:27:18 -0700 Andreas Freyvogel wrote:
Can anyone please tell me if it is possible to use procmail and Mailman together? If it is, can someone please direct me in the right direction ... thank you!
Hi Andreas,
I'm using postfix+procmail+mailman. AFAICT, procmail and mailman are independent. I had postfix+procmail running for a long time before I needed mailman. Adding mailman involved changing postfix's config files so it would know where mailman stores list ids, i.e. list@domain.com, list-subscribe@domain.com, list-unsubscribe@domain.com, etc, and so that mailman would know the MTA is postfix. My procmail recipes didn't get changed at all.
Hope this helps!
participants (6)
Andreas Freyvogel
Brad Knowles
David Relson
Doc Schneider
Laurent Flamand
Paul Tomblin