Mailman & qmail sporadic message loss

I run a set of mailing lists using mailman and qmail. I've got the lists set up fine, everything is running smoothly, except that sometimes people complain that they didn't receive a particluar message, while others have received it. It has happened on more than one list, and with different members, so I think mailman is suspect.
I've looked in the qmail and mailman logs but haven't been able to pick up any errors. I've searched google, read the docs, and skimmed the last 3 motnhs of this mailing list with no luck. Has anyone ever seen a problem like this, or can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.
I'm running Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 - here are my versions:
ii@host:~$ uname -a Linux host 2.2.14-va.4.4-i586 #1 Tue Sep 5 15:18:51 PDT 2000 i686 unknown ii@host:~$ dpkg -l | pgrep '(mailman)|(qmail)|(python)|(apache)' ii apache 1.3.14-2 Versatile, high-performance HTTP server ii apache-common 1.3.14-2 Support files for all Apache webservers ii libapache-mod- 2.7.1-1 Strong cryptography for Apache ii libapache-mod- 2.7.1-1 Documentation for Apache module mod_ssl ii mailman 2.0final-1 Powerful, web based list processor ii python-base 1.5.2-10 An interactive object-oriented scripting lan ii python-zlib 1.5.2-10 A compression module for Python using zlib. ii qmail 1.03-14 Secure, reliable, efficient, simple mail tra ii qmail-src 1.03-14 Source only package for building qmail binar
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