Re: [Mailman-Users] Internationalization (was Reply-problems)

[The List Server Administrator at UNH]
As Mailman does absolutely _no_ munging of "Re:" subject prefixes today, I don't see why it should try to do anything with language-specific versions of this prefix, either. This is really a _client_ problem.
Trying to be smart about these things on the server _will_ backfire.
What site- og list-specific message filters will do to messages they get fed (in post-1.0 Mailman), however, is not something Mailman can be held responsible for. So, if someone wants to do something like
perl -ple '$_ = "Subject: Re: $3" if m/^subject:\s*((re|sv|ad):\s*)+(.*)/i'
they're welcome to do so in a home-made filter (but don't blame Mailman when this filter mangles a messages Subject in a way it shouldn't have done).
On this I agree completely.
participants (1)
Harald Meland