I've searched the world over until I found nothing....
I'm trying to make error pages and list view pages custom to the design of my site.
The individual list pages are complete, but...
Has anyone had any luck with this, or can anyone point me in the right direction?
Thanks, Mike

On June 1, 2002 08:48 pm, mike@net3media.com wrote:
I'm trying to make error pages and list view pages custom to the design of my site. The individual list pages are complete, but... Has anyone had any luck with this, or can anyone point me in the right direction?
I have successfully modded (if you can call my little tiny hack that) Mailman to use a custom error page and it was actually pretty simple.
In "mailman/Cgi/edithtml.py":
def main(): template_data = ( ('listinfo.html', 'General list information page'), ('subscribe.html', 'Subscribe results page'), ('options.html', 'User specific options page'), ('handle_opts.html', 'Changing user options results page'), ('errors.html', 'Error Page'), )
Add the above "errors.html" line.
In "mailman/Cgi/subscribe.py" add the following function:
def PrintErrorResults(mlist, results, doc): replacements = mlist.GetStandardReplacements() replacements['<mm-results>'] = results output = mlist.ParseTags('errors.html', replacements) doc.AddItem(output) print doc.Format(bgcolor="#ffffff")
Then it is just a matter of going through the spots in the above directory that can cause an error page to display, such as the following in "subscribe.py":
if not form.has_key("info"): #doc.AddItem(Header(2, "Error")) results = ("<b>You must supply your email address</b>.") #doc.AddItem(Bold("You must supply your email address.")) #doc.AddItem(mlist.GetMailmanFooter()) #print doc.Format(bgcolor="#ffffff") PrintErrorResults(mlist, results, doc) <<< NEW return
Comment out the lines that send text to the doc object (i.e. print out right away) and instead use the new PrintErrorResults() function.
I can't perform a diff for you as I do not have a pristine copy of the source to work from but hopefully that is enough to get you started.
Island Net AMT Solutions Group Inc. Telephone: 250 383-0096 1412 Quadra Street Toll Free: 1 800 331-3055 Victoria, B.C. Fax: 250 383-6698 V8W 2L1 E-Mail: support@islandnet.com Canada WWW: http://www.islandnet.com/
participants (2)
Mike @ Net3Media
Ron Brogden