Ok it worked.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Barrett" <R.Barrett@ftel.co.uk>
To: "Support" <support@obantec.net>
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 5:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Default.py mm_cfg.py problem
At 15:57 07/05/2002 +0100, Support wrote:
Sorry my first line was "version 2.0.10" so no need to assume.
My apologies
Go back a step, fresh install no lists defined but changes made to
then browse to /listinfo and it still shows owner email address from
Install info clearly states that mm_cfg.py overides Default.py
And so it should.
Other Mailman modules import mm_cfg which has as its first line of code:
from Defaults import *
Only mm_cfg import Defaults.
As long as your changes go after that line, other Mailman modules should
oblivious to the fact that the assignments on the lines you have added to
the end of mm_cfg.py have overwritten the initial values set in
Now to the problem. If you look in Defaults.py you will see that
MAILMAN_OWNER is defined in terms of DEFAULT_HOST_NAME. Unfortuately, when
you redefine the value of DEFAULT_HOST_NAME in mm_cfg.py this done not
to a re-evaluation of other assignments depending on it in Defaults.py.
The rule is that you need to copy from Defaults.py to mm_cfg.py the
defining assignments of anything defined in terms of another variable from
Defaults.py that you have redefined in mm_cfg.py. That is you have to redo
those assignments to pick up the changes.
Hope this helps.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Barrett" <R.Barrett@ftel.co.uk>
To: "Support" <support@obantec.net>; <Mailman-Users@python.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Default.py mm_cfg.py problem
At 11:13 07/05/2002 +0100, Support wrote:
version 2.0.10
I added 2 lines to end of mm_cfg.py to correct
However when i access the virtual host mailman/admin it shows correct
in top blue line myhost.com mailing lists - Admin Links
But the mailman-owner ignores the new hostname and uses the one from
i.e. mailman-owner@DEFAULT_HOST_NAME
How do i fix this (other than changing it in Default.py)
That will not fix the problem either.
Assuming you are using MM 2.0.x
When a list is created a copy of the values from Defaults.py (or
if redefined there) are taken and put into the list's attribute
'web_page_url'. For existing lists changing the defaults has no
effect. Go
to the General Options page of the web GUI for the list(s) concerned
very carefully and without making any errors edit the last field, the
URL for Mailman web interface'.
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py