after installing b5, with python 1.5, and chmod'ing all the appropriate directories according to all the messages in the archive I am still experiencing problems. No mail is being delivered. If I mail to any mailing list on my machine the following shows up in the mailman logs. Any help is greatly appreciated since all my lists have broke... 8(
Sep 02 00:10:46 1998 deliver (child): Traceback (innermost last): deliver (child): File "/home/mailman/scripts/deliver", line 154, in ? deliver (child): main() deliver (child): File "/home/mailman/scripts/deliver", line 49, in main deliver (child): do_child() deliver (child): File "/home/mailman/scripts/deliver", line 57, in do_child deliver (child): spawns = string.atol(sys.stdin.readline()[:-1]) deliver (child): ValueError : empty string for atol()

On Wed, 2 Sep 1998, Joseph T. Bore wrote:
The deliver script is invoked (via a pipe) by Deliverer.DeliverToList, and should always be getting the number of spawns as its first stdin line, at least as of 1.0b5. You should check to see that the version of Deliverer.py you have (in the Mailman/ dir) is the same as the one i've attached here. Another possibility is that you've situated the new installation somewhere besides the old one, and the old one is somehow getting invoked, eg via old aliases, but then calling the new one.
Anyway, start with checking what i mention, and get in touch with me via email to let you know what you find. We'll try to sort this out via email and get back to the list with our conclusion.
Ken Manheimer klm@python.org 703 620-8990 x268 (orporation for National Research |nitiatives
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"""Mixin class with message delivery routines."""
import string, os, sys import mm_cfg import Errors import Utils
# Note that the text templates for the various messages have been moved into # the templates directory.
# We could abstract these two better... class Deliverer: # This method assumes the sender is list-admin if you don't give one. def SendTextToUser(self, subject, text, recipient, sender=None, add_headers=[]): if not sender: sender = self.GetAdminEmail() Utils.SendTextToUser(subject, text, recipient, sender, add_headers=add_headers)
def DeliverToUser(self, msg, recipient):
# This method assumes the sender is the one given by the message.
Utils.DeliverToUser(msg, recipient,
add_headers=['Errors-To: %s\n'
% Self.GetAdminEmail()])
def QuotePeriods(self, text):
return string.join(string.split(text, '\n.\n'), '\n .\n')
def DeliverToList(self, msg, recipients,
header="", footer="", remove_to=0, tmpfile_prefix = ""):
if not(len(recipients)):
# Massage the headers.
if remove_to:
del msg['to']
del msg['x-to']
msg.headers.append('To: %s\n' % self.GetListEmail())
if self.reply_goes_to_list:
del msg['reply-to']
msg.headers.append('Reply-To: %s\n' % self.GetListEmail())
msg.headers.append('Sender: %s\n' % self.GetAdminEmail())
msg.headers.append('Errors-To: %s\n' % self.GetAdminEmail())
msg.headers.append('X-BeenThere: %s\n' % self.GetListEmail())
cmd = "%s %s" % (mm_cfg.PYTHON,
os.path.join(mm_cfg.SCRIPTS_DIR, "deliver"))
cmdproc = os.popen(cmd, 'w')
cmdproc.write("%d\n" % self.num_spawns)
cmdproc.write("%s\n" % self.GetAdminEmail())
for r in recipients:
# Mustn't send blank lines before end of recipients:
if not r: continue
cmdproc.write(r + "\n")
cmdproc.write("\n") # Empty line for end of recipients.
cmdproc.write(string.join(msg.headers, '') + "\n")
if header: # The *body* header:
cmdproc.write(header + "\n")
if footer:
status = cmdproc.close()
if status:
sys.stderr.write('Non-zero exit status: %d'
'\nCommand: %s' % ((status >> 8), cmd))
def SendPostAck(self, msg, sender):
subject = msg.getheader('subject')
if not subject:
subject = '[none]'
sp = self.subject_prefix
if (len(subject) > len(sp)
and subject[0:len(sp)] == sp):
# Trim off subject prefix
subject = subject[len(sp) + 1:]
# get the text from the template
body = Utils.maketext(
{'subject' : subject,
'listname' : self.real_name,
'listinfo_url': self.GetAbsoluteScriptURL('listinfo'),
self.SendTextToUser('%s post acknowlegement' % self.real_name,
body, sender)
def CreateSubscribeAck(self, name, password):
if self.welcome_msg:
welcome = Utils.wrap(self.welcome_msg) + '\n'
welcome = ''
# get the text from the template
body = Utils.maketext(
{'real_name' : self.real_name,
'host_name' : self.host_name,
'welcome' : welcome,
'emailaddr' : self.GetListEmail(),
'listinfo_url': self.GetAbsoluteScriptURL('listinfo'),
'optionsurl' : self.GetAbsoluteOptionsURL(name),
'password' : password,
return body
def SendSubscribeAck(self, name, password, digest):
if not self.send_welcome_msg:
if digest:
digest_mode = '(Digest mode)'
digest_mode = ''
if self.reminders_to_admins:
recipient = "%s-admin@%s" % tuple(string.split(name, '@'))
recipient = name
self.SendTextToUser(subject = 'Welcome To "%s"! %s' % (self.real_name,
recipient = recipient,
text = self.CreateSubscribeAck(name, password))
def SendUnsubscribeAck(self, name):
self.SendTextToUser(subject = 'Unsubscribed from "%s"\n' %
recipient = name,
text = Utils.wrap(self.goodbye_msg))
def MailUserPassword(self, user):
listfullname = '%s@%s' % (self.real_name, self.host_name)
ok = 1
if self.passwords.has_key(user):
if self.reminders_to_admins:
recipient = "%s-admin@%s" % tuple(string.split(user, '@'))
recipient = user
subj = '%s maillist reminder\n' % listfullname
# get the text from the template
text = Utils.maketext(
{'user' : user,
'listname' : self.real_name,
'password' : self.passwords[user],
'options_url': self.GetAbsoluteOptionsURL(user),
'requestaddr': self.GetRequestEmail(),
'adminaddr' : self.GetAdminEmail(),
ok = 0
recipient = self.GetAdminEmail()
subj = '%s user %s missing password!\n' % (listfullname, user)
text = Utils.maketext(
{'username' : `user`,
'internal_name': self._internal_name,
self.SendTextToUser(subject = subj,
recipient = recipient,
text = text,
add_headers=["Errors-To: %s"
% self.GetAdminEmail(),
"X-No-Archive: yes"])
if not ok:
raise Errors.MMBadUserError
participants (2)
Joseph T. Bore
Ken Manheimer