While the power of denying a list to be specified in a BCC field is certainly undeniable, I'd like the ability to accept a post that has the list BCCd if the sender is a list member -- is this possible?
Thanks so much!
"There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary and those that don't."
$>whoami: Carl Holtje $>mail holtje: holtje@freeside.dnsalias.org $>cu: http://freeside.dnsalias.org

"CH" == Carl Holtje <holtje@freeside.dnsalias.org> writes:
CH> While the power of denying a list to be specified in a BCC
CH> field is certainly undeniable, I'd like the ability to accept
CH> a post that has the list BCCd if the sender is a list member
CH> -- is this possible?
For MM2.1, look under Privacy -> Recipient filters. You might want to edit either require_explicit_destination or acceptable_aliases.

"CH" == Carl Holtje <holtje@freeside.dnsalias.org> writes:
CH> While the power of denying a list to be specified in a BCC
CH> field is certainly undeniable, I'd like the ability to accept
CH> a post that has the list BCCd if the sender is a list member
CH> -- is this possible?
For MM2.1, look under Privacy -> Recipient filters. You might want to edit either require_explicit_destination or acceptable_aliases.
participants (2)
Carl Holtje