Re: [Mailman-Users] updating aliases file.

krist@West.NL said:
All of these methods are wrong. You need a means that actually integrates your MLM & MTA so that the MTA knows of the lists handled by the MLM. This can certainly be done for exim, and I have heard of people doing similar things for postfix and sendmail.
-- [ - Opinions expressed are personal and may not be shared by VData - ] [ Nigel Metheringham ] [ Phone: +44 1423 850000 Fax +44 1423 858866 ]

As quoted from Nigel Metheringham:
When you run newlist the rpogram ends printing out the lines you manually need to add to /etc/aliases. I just need a wqay to add these automatically.
Exim is not an option for me, I need to use sendmail. If there are better ways to integrate mailman with sendmail other then having a way to add lines to /etc/aliases I'd be glad to learn about them.
I've started to hack on the alias-wrapper program found in <mailman-source>/src directory, but which had aparently been commmented out in the Makefile. See if I can make that work.
-- Ing. Krist van Besien | At work: | At home: Software Engineer | | West Consulting B.V. | | Delft, the Netherlands | +31 (0)15 2191604 | +31 (0)6 50235002
"Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them the usual way. This happens to us all the time with computers, and nobody thinks of complaining." -- Jeff Raskin, interviewed in Doctor Dobb's Journal

this has been discussed before and can be found in the mailman-users archives. you could search the mailman-users archives for keywords sendmail and aliases. i posted a detailed solution for sendmail and mailman aliases sometime last year.
briefly, here are the instruction again...
- create the mailman aliases files in ~mailman, paying close attention to the ownership and permissions:
-rw-r--r-- 1 mailman mailman 4780 Dec 2 23:02 aliases -rw-r--r-- 1 root mailman 4096 Dec 2 23:03 aliases.dir -rw-r--r-- 1 root mailman 4096 Dec 2 23:03 aliases.pag
- in /etc/mail/ (or wherever your is) add an alias file include something like this:
location of alias file
O AliasFile=dbm:/etc/mail/aliases O AliasFile=dbm:/home/mailman/aliases
when running newlist, redirect the output to /home/mailman/aliases, possibly through a filter to remove the comment lines.
run newaliases.
i've attached some small script programs which i use as front-ends to newlist and rmlist. they maintain the sendmail aliases file as well as an owners list. i use the owners list for distributing information about mailman to list owners.
On Tue, 2 May 2000, Krist van Besien wrote:
Todd Pfaff \ Email:
Computing and Information Services \ Voice: (905) 525-9140 x22920
ABB 132 \ FAX: (905) 528-3773
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4M1 \

On Tue, 2 May 2000, Krist van Besien wrote:
run this patch in your mailman/bin directory and you'll have just what you'll need. you'll need to run newaliases of course...
*** newlist Mon Apr 17 20:32:53 2000 --- newlist2 Sat Apr 15 19:09:42 2000
*** 46,52 ****
Entry for aliases file:
## %(listname)s mailing list ## created: %(date)s %(user)s --- 46,51 ----
*** 115,121 **** except Errors.MMBadEmailError: usage(1, 'Bad owner email address: ' + owner_mail)
! print ALIASTEMPLATE % { 'listname': listname, 'list' : "%-24s" % (listname + ":"), --- 114,122 ---- except Errors.MMBadEmailError: usage(1, 'Bad owner email address: ' + owner_mail)
! import sys ! tempout = sys.stdout ! sys.stdout = open("/etc/aliases", "a") print ALIASTEMPLATE % { 'listname': listname, 'list' : "%-24s" % (listname + ":"),
*** 126,131 **** --- 127,134 ---- 'date' : time.strftime('%d-%b-%Y', time.localtime(time.time())), 'user' : getusername(), }
sys.stdout = tempout if len(argv) < 5: print ("Hit enter to continue with %s owner notification..."
Britt Bolen

As quoted from Nigel Metheringham:
When you run newlist the rpogram ends printing out the lines you manually need to add to /etc/aliases. I just need a wqay to add these automatically.
Exim is not an option for me, I need to use sendmail. If there are better ways to integrate mailman with sendmail other then having a way to add lines to /etc/aliases I'd be glad to learn about them.
I've started to hack on the alias-wrapper program found in <mailman-source>/src directory, but which had aparently been commmented out in the Makefile. See if I can make that work.
-- Ing. Krist van Besien | At work: | At home: Software Engineer | | West Consulting B.V. | | Delft, the Netherlands | +31 (0)15 2191604 | +31 (0)6 50235002
"Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them the usual way. This happens to us all the time with computers, and nobody thinks of complaining." -- Jeff Raskin, interviewed in Doctor Dobb's Journal

this has been discussed before and can be found in the mailman-users archives. you could search the mailman-users archives for keywords sendmail and aliases. i posted a detailed solution for sendmail and mailman aliases sometime last year.
briefly, here are the instruction again...
- create the mailman aliases files in ~mailman, paying close attention to the ownership and permissions:
-rw-r--r-- 1 mailman mailman 4780 Dec 2 23:02 aliases -rw-r--r-- 1 root mailman 4096 Dec 2 23:03 aliases.dir -rw-r--r-- 1 root mailman 4096 Dec 2 23:03 aliases.pag
- in /etc/mail/ (or wherever your is) add an alias file include something like this:
location of alias file
O AliasFile=dbm:/etc/mail/aliases O AliasFile=dbm:/home/mailman/aliases
when running newlist, redirect the output to /home/mailman/aliases, possibly through a filter to remove the comment lines.
run newaliases.
i've attached some small script programs which i use as front-ends to newlist and rmlist. they maintain the sendmail aliases file as well as an owners list. i use the owners list for distributing information about mailman to list owners.
On Tue, 2 May 2000, Krist van Besien wrote:
Todd Pfaff \ Email:
Computing and Information Services \ Voice: (905) 525-9140 x22920
ABB 132 \ FAX: (905) 528-3773
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4M1 \

On Tue, 2 May 2000, Krist van Besien wrote:
run this patch in your mailman/bin directory and you'll have just what you'll need. you'll need to run newaliases of course...
*** newlist Mon Apr 17 20:32:53 2000 --- newlist2 Sat Apr 15 19:09:42 2000
*** 46,52 ****
Entry for aliases file:
## %(listname)s mailing list ## created: %(date)s %(user)s --- 46,51 ----
*** 115,121 **** except Errors.MMBadEmailError: usage(1, 'Bad owner email address: ' + owner_mail)
! print ALIASTEMPLATE % { 'listname': listname, 'list' : "%-24s" % (listname + ":"), --- 114,122 ---- except Errors.MMBadEmailError: usage(1, 'Bad owner email address: ' + owner_mail)
! import sys ! tempout = sys.stdout ! sys.stdout = open("/etc/aliases", "a") print ALIASTEMPLATE % { 'listname': listname, 'list' : "%-24s" % (listname + ":"),
*** 126,131 **** --- 127,134 ---- 'date' : time.strftime('%d-%b-%Y', time.localtime(time.time())), 'user' : getusername(), }
sys.stdout = tempout if len(argv) < 5: print ("Hit enter to continue with %s owner notification..."
Britt Bolen
participants (4)
Krist van Besien
Nigel Metheringham
Todd Pfaff