I have take a look in the directory /Mailman/Handlers to apply the patch at Decorate.py. I have look a file Decorate.pyc. It's the compiled version of Decorate.py? If yes, how compile Decorate.py to make Decorate.pyc? Tanks in advance. Alberto Marcedone

giovedì, 09 gennaio 2003 alle 10:17:54, Alberto Marcedone ha scritto:
I have look a file Decorate.pyc. It's the compiled version of Decorate.py?
If yes, how compile Decorate.py to make Decorate.pyc?
you can simply remove Decorate.pyc, the pre-compiled version is there only for better performance.
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giovedì, 09 gennaio 2003 alle 10:17:54, Alberto Marcedone ha scritto:
I have look a file Decorate.pyc. It's the compiled version of Decorate.py?
If yes, how compile Decorate.py to make Decorate.pyc?
you can simply remove Decorate.pyc, the pre-compiled version is there only for better performance.
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participants (2)
Alberto Marcedone
Simone Piunno