Re: [Mailman-Users] Why do my posts to own mailman list disappear.

Thank you Mark. About Vette list, I don't know if I have shell access. I have CPanel, and that is all I have used. Any way to check?
I will, in the meantime, try another subject, though somehow I don't think that is it, as I havenever set anything to discard. Anyway to check what my settings are within mailman, such as if I marked my name for automatic deletion by mistake?

On 08/20/2015 06:24 PM, Paul Arenson/tokyoprogressive wrote:
Thank you Mark. About Vette list, I don't know if I have shell access. I have CPanel, and that is all I have used. Any way to check?
On cPanel, if you can access the file system, you'll find Mailman's logs in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/mailman/logs/.
See <>.
Look at all the following settings in the list admin UI for Discard actions
Privacy options... -> Sender filters -> member_moderation_action Privacy options... -> Sender filters -> dmarc_moderation_action Privacy options... -> Sender filters -> discard_these_nonmembers Privacy options... -> Sender filters -> generic_nonmember_action Privacy options... -> Spam filters -> header_filter_rules Content filtering -> filter_action
If there are no Discard actions in those, look at
Non-digest options -> scrub_nondigest
If this is Yes, it is possible that your posts are HTML only and being discarded by the scrubber.
-- Mark Sapiro <> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan

Thank you, Mark.
I looked in Cpanel and could see no directory starting with /usr/. I have a reseller account and <> is a subset of <>, but for now I am looking in the cpanel for <>. Again, no such directory in that CPanel. I tried looking in root, etc. but do not see such a name as /usr/.
Then I figured out my FTP login and got in using the Transmit program. I see a /usr/ folder at the end of a very long list of folders and files: .bash.logout —
-- cpanel folder
public_ftp public_html ssl tmp usr www
I click on usr and get Could not change directory to /usr Server said can’t change directory to /usr: No such directory. Error -125: remote chdir failed.
There is a cpanel folder but that doesn’t seem to help.
Am I looking in the wrong place?
Thanks, Paul

On 08/22/2015 12:01 AM, Paul Arenson/tokyoprogressive wrote:
Further to the above, I have tested and found NOTHING goes through…I can’t even get a request to subscribe through. It is effectively dead!!!
What to do?
You can see the FAQ at <>, but given your lack of access to the underlying Mailman installation, that may not help.
As discussed in the FAQ at <> (aka <>), we probably can't help either.
As Steve suggests, you need to take this up with the people who support the physical machine that hosts your Mailman installation.
-- Mark Sapiro <> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan

Paul Arenson/tokyoprogressive writes:
I looked in Cpanel and could see no directory starting with /usr/.
cPanel won't give you access to that, I'm pretty sure. You need to have shell access to the host or virtual machine. If you don't know if you have shell access, you probably don't. Large hosting services tend to be quite stingy about handing out shell access.
I have a reseller account
What does that mean? Aha, I see. *You* are, but the PTR says your IP is assigned to, so you're the reseller for somebody who actually runs the hardware.
A little bit of browsing the related DNS shows quite a bit of a mess. None of the published domains properly roundtrip A -> PTR -> A, they just lead into a maze of little twisty passages all alike. That doesn't necessarily cause a problem by itself, but it often makes problems harder to diagnose.
and <> is a subset of <>,
I think you're going to have to ask your upstream for help on this.
That said there are a few long shots you could try to diagnose it yourself. One is a manual transaction with the mailserver and see if it's being rejected at the SMTP level.
Another thing I noticed is that you typoed "" as "" in the above. Is it possible that you typoed a host or list name somewhere in a recent configuration ichange?
Do you have a personal mailbox on If so, does that work?
I suppose you are the owner of your lists. Have you tried writing to <listname> It should forward to you.
According to the page at, the mailman@ list is hosted by, and the owner is This is probably typical of cPanel (which has its own way of handling virtual hosting), but you should check your own listinfo and admin pages to be sure the virtual hosting is working correctly and everything points to (You may have trouble finding the proper Mailman interface, though, because cPanel has its own idiosyncratic management interface, and may even make the original inaccessible.)
Are your lists archived?
Then I figured out my FTP login and got in using the Transmit program.
I don't think this will help. Most FTP server software is hard to secure, and standard practice of hosting systems is to chroot them (that means that only a part of the filesystem is visible to the FTP server, and in fact to any programs run by the FTP server). chroots are almost impossible to break unless you have shell access (which is one reason why hosting services are kechi about handing out shell).
That's bizarre. I wonder if your host knows what it's doing.
There is a cpanel folder but that doesn’t seem to help.
I'm not surprised.
Good luck,

Thank you Stephen…..
I guess maybe I don’t. Just normal FTP. <> was my idea to run a simple hosting service. With reseller hosting, in my case I don’t sell anything, but donate webspace to NPOs. Because it is a resller account with what I think it is called WHM, I create space for their domains. They get their own CPanel.
So <> also hosts <>, <>, <>, <>.
In fact, I realize now I don’t need all this complexity. I could do the same thing with a regular account and add-on domains.
But as I have it, I can create lists for the different domains using their version of CPanel and Softaculous.
Actually I am not sure what PTR is…..but my reseller hosting is just that, I pay for space from EZPZ and then can do as described above.
I see. Not sure exactly what that means….but thanks...
What would I need to do?
Nothing changed at all in my list. It was working with no problems for 2 years. Recently I have been getting a lot of spam, so when a sufficient number had built up I went in and got rid of it using BAN so-and-so, DISCARD, so and so…
I am suspicious that I did something at this level, but can’t see anything that would cause that problem….
Do you have a personal mailbox on If so, does that work?
Yes, both <> and <> work when sent mail from another address.
BUT it is going on 5 minutes that I sent mail FROM each of those addresses to themselves and they did NOT arrive.
An SMTP level error?
They show up in their respective SENT folders and I get no error message.
This sounds like NOT a MAILMAN problem…
The last time I used the nangoku-jiyu-jin account to send was actually to mailman in July for the newsletter, which went through, so something has happened in the last month to affect SENDING from my domains it seems.
I suppose you are the owner of your lists. Have you tried writing to <listname> It should forward to you.
Just tried, from a different domain, and am still waiting for a response. Suggests it is not ONLY an SMPT problem?
This is it, right? <>
webhostserver is the name EZPZ (my webhosting provider) assigns. I am not sure about the dionysus….
Are your lists archived?
yes, here: <>
You are in Japan by any chance? You know the term “kechi”. There is an historian on Japanese history with your name, but wait, there is an academic at Tsukuba with the same name. (I was there for two years starting in 2009 or 10).
I wonder….EZPZ is pretty big, but i guess that doesn’t necessarily mean anything….Also, this is an installation from the Softaculous package, so I doubt they even support it.
Thanks for all the brainstorming.

Paul Arenson/tokyoprogressive writes:
Ah, sorry. PTR is the pointer record from a numeric IP address to a human-readable domain name.
I see. Not sure exactly what that means….but thanks...
If you don't know, and don't care, no problem. If you want the long story, just ask. :-)
Give me an existing address, which you already did. :-) I just sent you a test message from, and it was accepted "OK" by nangoku-jiyu-jin-net (which again identified itself as dionysus). So it's not a problem at the incoming SMTP level, mail is going in to the host.
Nothing changed at all in my list.
No changes to the host configuration (general spam filters, etc) that you know of, either, right?
You mean in the Mailman moderation interface for the list, right? Theoretically you could have sent mail, it got spamtrapped but you didn't notice the your post never appeared on the list, you banned the author and didn't notice it was you, etc, etc. Doesn't seem likely.
It would be much more likely if you entered patterns by hand in the Privacy -> {Sender,Recipient,Spam} Filter screens. (I don't know if cPanel has those, that's what they are called in unmodified Mailman.) But I guess you didn't do that?
How do you do that? By setting the From and To addresses in your local mail client, and sending via Or do you have webmail running on, or ... ?
They show up in their respective SENT folders and I get no error message.
Do you have a copy of an old message sent through your list, with all headers intact (I want to look at the Received headers)? I don't need the content, just the headers, but if the content is innocuous, just forward the whole message to me.
This sounds like NOT a MAILMAN problem…
I agree.
Everything looks good there. Not that there's all that much, but it looks like the admin addresses etc in the mailto links are right and the archive link works, and the admin link works (although as expected it's not very helpful since I can't log in).
Are your lists archived?
Thanks, I found them. Unfortunately, they don't have the trace headers (Received) in them (and they wouldn't have the outgoing hops anyway). So they weren't much help.
I'm the latter, in the Policy and Planning Sciences department.
How do you install something unsupported if you don't have a shell account? I'm curious because maybe you do have a shell account but don't know it. :-)

Thanks for your message, Steven.
Right. I received it. I responded once from the same account. And once from the Tokyoprogressive account. I believe ONLY the one I sent from Tokyoprogressive went through, pointing to a SENDING problem from nangoku-jiyu-jin and maybe also Tokyoprogressive would be unaffected because it is a totally different provider.
No, and everything I do though in mailman is in the mailman program. Almost never touch cpanel.
On my Mac in my mail client. There is a web interface in cpanel, but I have rarely used it.
Yes. When I get home I can send you the July message, which went through. In mailman's archives it shows up with the html unreadable, but in a mail client it works.
I could enable that if need be.
Dozo,yoroshiku. I was at the language center and also taught the head of the nursing dept privately as my wife is also a nurse.
In Cpanel they have something called Softaculous. Previously they used something called Fantastico. I guess they are a collection of auto installers. So you can find Joomla, Mailman, etc. all located there.

Paul Arenson/tokyoprogressive writes:
Right. I received it.
I responded once from the same account. And once from the Tokyoprogressive account.
To ""?
I don't see either one yet, but that could be my network. The university just upgraded the network and past experience suggests things are likely to be unreliable here until New Year's.
If you got (temporary) bounces sending to "", that is probably due to "greylisting" (an antispam measure) at
No, and everything I do though in mailman is in the mailman program. Almost never touch cpanel.
OK, that's helpful to know in general, although it doesn't change any immediate diagnosis.
On my Mac in my mail client. There is a web interface in cpanel, but I have rarely used it.
Is your mail client configured to use those hosts (that would be very unusual), or just your local ISP connection?
I see. Love people who care more about names than functionality, but I guess that's the marketing department. I'll see if your mail comes through in the next few hours.

Thank you to Steve Turnbull and Mark Shapiro for helping me brainstorm why my mailing list was not working.
It turns out it was not a Mailman problem after all. my provider sent me new server info that went straight into my spam box, and so when it was time to update my mail server (send and receive both new), I stopped getting mail and being able to send mail.
Now that I have updated the servers, all is well. Well, one thing is odd: no system messages came into mailman until I contacted support and got the instructions. In face, all became normal IN THE MAILMAN INTERFACE at least once I had contacted support. I don’t see how my being able to send and receive would affect system messages just coming into Mailman itself…Although the messages started again from the time I was told the new server info by support, so until then they were being lost.
I don’t know what to make of that, but am glad it is running again.
Thanks Mark and Steve!

On 08/20/2015 06:24 PM, Paul Arenson/tokyoprogressive wrote:
Thank you Mark. About Vette list, I don't know if I have shell access. I have CPanel, and that is all I have used. Any way to check?
On cPanel, if you can access the file system, you'll find Mailman's logs in /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/mailman/logs/.
See <>.
Look at all the following settings in the list admin UI for Discard actions
Privacy options... -> Sender filters -> member_moderation_action Privacy options... -> Sender filters -> dmarc_moderation_action Privacy options... -> Sender filters -> discard_these_nonmembers Privacy options... -> Sender filters -> generic_nonmember_action Privacy options... -> Spam filters -> header_filter_rules Content filtering -> filter_action
If there are no Discard actions in those, look at
Non-digest options -> scrub_nondigest
If this is Yes, it is possible that your posts are HTML only and being discarded by the scrubber.
-- Mark Sapiro <> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan

Thank you, Mark.
I looked in Cpanel and could see no directory starting with /usr/. I have a reseller account and <> is a subset of <>, but for now I am looking in the cpanel for <>. Again, no such directory in that CPanel. I tried looking in root, etc. but do not see such a name as /usr/.
Then I figured out my FTP login and got in using the Transmit program. I see a /usr/ folder at the end of a very long list of folders and files: .bash.logout —
-- cpanel folder
public_ftp public_html ssl tmp usr www
I click on usr and get Could not change directory to /usr Server said can’t change directory to /usr: No such directory. Error -125: remote chdir failed.
There is a cpanel folder but that doesn’t seem to help.
Am I looking in the wrong place?
Thanks, Paul

On 08/22/2015 12:01 AM, Paul Arenson/tokyoprogressive wrote:
Further to the above, I have tested and found NOTHING goes through…I can’t even get a request to subscribe through. It is effectively dead!!!
What to do?
You can see the FAQ at <>, but given your lack of access to the underlying Mailman installation, that may not help.
As discussed in the FAQ at <> (aka <>), we probably can't help either.
As Steve suggests, you need to take this up with the people who support the physical machine that hosts your Mailman installation.
-- Mark Sapiro <> The highway is for gamblers, San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan

Paul Arenson/tokyoprogressive writes:
I looked in Cpanel and could see no directory starting with /usr/.
cPanel won't give you access to that, I'm pretty sure. You need to have shell access to the host or virtual machine. If you don't know if you have shell access, you probably don't. Large hosting services tend to be quite stingy about handing out shell access.
I have a reseller account
What does that mean? Aha, I see. *You* are, but the PTR says your IP is assigned to, so you're the reseller for somebody who actually runs the hardware.
A little bit of browsing the related DNS shows quite a bit of a mess. None of the published domains properly roundtrip A -> PTR -> A, they just lead into a maze of little twisty passages all alike. That doesn't necessarily cause a problem by itself, but it often makes problems harder to diagnose.
and <> is a subset of <>,
I think you're going to have to ask your upstream for help on this.
That said there are a few long shots you could try to diagnose it yourself. One is a manual transaction with the mailserver and see if it's being rejected at the SMTP level.
Another thing I noticed is that you typoed "" as "" in the above. Is it possible that you typoed a host or list name somewhere in a recent configuration ichange?
Do you have a personal mailbox on If so, does that work?
I suppose you are the owner of your lists. Have you tried writing to <listname> It should forward to you.
According to the page at, the mailman@ list is hosted by, and the owner is This is probably typical of cPanel (which has its own way of handling virtual hosting), but you should check your own listinfo and admin pages to be sure the virtual hosting is working correctly and everything points to (You may have trouble finding the proper Mailman interface, though, because cPanel has its own idiosyncratic management interface, and may even make the original inaccessible.)
Are your lists archived?
Then I figured out my FTP login and got in using the Transmit program.
I don't think this will help. Most FTP server software is hard to secure, and standard practice of hosting systems is to chroot them (that means that only a part of the filesystem is visible to the FTP server, and in fact to any programs run by the FTP server). chroots are almost impossible to break unless you have shell access (which is one reason why hosting services are kechi about handing out shell).
That's bizarre. I wonder if your host knows what it's doing.
There is a cpanel folder but that doesn’t seem to help.
I'm not surprised.
Good luck,

Thank you Stephen…..
I guess maybe I don’t. Just normal FTP. <> was my idea to run a simple hosting service. With reseller hosting, in my case I don’t sell anything, but donate webspace to NPOs. Because it is a resller account with what I think it is called WHM, I create space for their domains. They get their own CPanel.
So <> also hosts <>, <>, <>, <>.
In fact, I realize now I don’t need all this complexity. I could do the same thing with a regular account and add-on domains.
But as I have it, I can create lists for the different domains using their version of CPanel and Softaculous.
Actually I am not sure what PTR is…..but my reseller hosting is just that, I pay for space from EZPZ and then can do as described above.
I see. Not sure exactly what that means….but thanks...
What would I need to do?
Nothing changed at all in my list. It was working with no problems for 2 years. Recently I have been getting a lot of spam, so when a sufficient number had built up I went in and got rid of it using BAN so-and-so, DISCARD, so and so…
I am suspicious that I did something at this level, but can’t see anything that would cause that problem….
Do you have a personal mailbox on If so, does that work?
Yes, both <> and <> work when sent mail from another address.
BUT it is going on 5 minutes that I sent mail FROM each of those addresses to themselves and they did NOT arrive.
An SMTP level error?
They show up in their respective SENT folders and I get no error message.
This sounds like NOT a MAILMAN problem…
The last time I used the nangoku-jiyu-jin account to send was actually to mailman in July for the newsletter, which went through, so something has happened in the last month to affect SENDING from my domains it seems.
I suppose you are the owner of your lists. Have you tried writing to <listname> It should forward to you.
Just tried, from a different domain, and am still waiting for a response. Suggests it is not ONLY an SMPT problem?
This is it, right? <>
webhostserver is the name EZPZ (my webhosting provider) assigns. I am not sure about the dionysus….
Are your lists archived?
yes, here: <>
You are in Japan by any chance? You know the term “kechi”. There is an historian on Japanese history with your name, but wait, there is an academic at Tsukuba with the same name. (I was there for two years starting in 2009 or 10).
I wonder….EZPZ is pretty big, but i guess that doesn’t necessarily mean anything….Also, this is an installation from the Softaculous package, so I doubt they even support it.
Thanks for all the brainstorming.

Paul Arenson/tokyoprogressive writes:
Ah, sorry. PTR is the pointer record from a numeric IP address to a human-readable domain name.
I see. Not sure exactly what that means….but thanks...
If you don't know, and don't care, no problem. If you want the long story, just ask. :-)
Give me an existing address, which you already did. :-) I just sent you a test message from, and it was accepted "OK" by nangoku-jiyu-jin-net (which again identified itself as dionysus). So it's not a problem at the incoming SMTP level, mail is going in to the host.
Nothing changed at all in my list.
No changes to the host configuration (general spam filters, etc) that you know of, either, right?
You mean in the Mailman moderation interface for the list, right? Theoretically you could have sent mail, it got spamtrapped but you didn't notice the your post never appeared on the list, you banned the author and didn't notice it was you, etc, etc. Doesn't seem likely.
It would be much more likely if you entered patterns by hand in the Privacy -> {Sender,Recipient,Spam} Filter screens. (I don't know if cPanel has those, that's what they are called in unmodified Mailman.) But I guess you didn't do that?
How do you do that? By setting the From and To addresses in your local mail client, and sending via Or do you have webmail running on, or ... ?
They show up in their respective SENT folders and I get no error message.
Do you have a copy of an old message sent through your list, with all headers intact (I want to look at the Received headers)? I don't need the content, just the headers, but if the content is innocuous, just forward the whole message to me.
This sounds like NOT a MAILMAN problem…
I agree.
Everything looks good there. Not that there's all that much, but it looks like the admin addresses etc in the mailto links are right and the archive link works, and the admin link works (although as expected it's not very helpful since I can't log in).
Are your lists archived?
Thanks, I found them. Unfortunately, they don't have the trace headers (Received) in them (and they wouldn't have the outgoing hops anyway). So they weren't much help.
I'm the latter, in the Policy and Planning Sciences department.
How do you install something unsupported if you don't have a shell account? I'm curious because maybe you do have a shell account but don't know it. :-)

Thanks for your message, Steven.
Right. I received it. I responded once from the same account. And once from the Tokyoprogressive account. I believe ONLY the one I sent from Tokyoprogressive went through, pointing to a SENDING problem from nangoku-jiyu-jin and maybe also Tokyoprogressive would be unaffected because it is a totally different provider.
No, and everything I do though in mailman is in the mailman program. Almost never touch cpanel.
On my Mac in my mail client. There is a web interface in cpanel, but I have rarely used it.
Yes. When I get home I can send you the July message, which went through. In mailman's archives it shows up with the html unreadable, but in a mail client it works.
I could enable that if need be.
Dozo,yoroshiku. I was at the language center and also taught the head of the nursing dept privately as my wife is also a nurse.
In Cpanel they have something called Softaculous. Previously they used something called Fantastico. I guess they are a collection of auto installers. So you can find Joomla, Mailman, etc. all located there.

Paul Arenson/tokyoprogressive writes:
Right. I received it.
I responded once from the same account. And once from the Tokyoprogressive account.
To ""?
I don't see either one yet, but that could be my network. The university just upgraded the network and past experience suggests things are likely to be unreliable here until New Year's.
If you got (temporary) bounces sending to "", that is probably due to "greylisting" (an antispam measure) at
No, and everything I do though in mailman is in the mailman program. Almost never touch cpanel.
OK, that's helpful to know in general, although it doesn't change any immediate diagnosis.
On my Mac in my mail client. There is a web interface in cpanel, but I have rarely used it.
Is your mail client configured to use those hosts (that would be very unusual), or just your local ISP connection?
I see. Love people who care more about names than functionality, but I guess that's the marketing department. I'll see if your mail comes through in the next few hours.

Thank you to Steve Turnbull and Mark Shapiro for helping me brainstorm why my mailing list was not working.
It turns out it was not a Mailman problem after all. my provider sent me new server info that went straight into my spam box, and so when it was time to update my mail server (send and receive both new), I stopped getting mail and being able to send mail.
Now that I have updated the servers, all is well. Well, one thing is odd: no system messages came into mailman until I contacted support and got the instructions. In face, all became normal IN THE MAILMAN INTERFACE at least once I had contacted support. I don’t see how my being able to send and receive would affect system messages just coming into Mailman itself…Although the messages started again from the time I was told the new server info by support, so until then they were being lost.
I don’t know what to make of that, but am glad it is running again.
Thanks Mark and Steve!
participants (3)
Mark Sapiro
Paul Arenson/tokyoprogressive
Stephen J. Turnbull