How to get Sender Id from the Mailing List where the annoymous option is set

I am the list administrator for a mailing list running mailman 2.1.3 with python.
My list is set as anonynmous list. So I cannot find the senders email id. I donot want to change the settings to non annoymous, as this will discourage people from posting to the group.
Can anyone tell me how to obtain the statistics of which member has posted how many messages.
Also is there a way to know who has posted a particular mail.
Regards, vijay
Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do we.

At 3:57 AM -0800 2005-02-08, vijayan p wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to obtain the statistics of which member has posted how many messages.
I think you'd have to look at the incoming messages in the MTA
logs, before they get handed off to Mailman. But keep in mind that Mailman does not have any facility for creating or monitoring statistics, unless you want to create a script to do that.
Also is there a way to know who has posted a particular mail.
Basically the same issue.
-- Brad Knowles, <>
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
-- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
Assembly to the Governor, November 11, 1755
SAGE member since 1995. See <> for more info.

On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 16:23, Brad Knowles wrote:
At 3:57 AM -0800 2005-02-08, vijayan p wrote:
Can anyone tell me how to obtain the statistics of which member has posted how many messages.
I think you'd have to look at the incoming messages in the MTA logs, before they get handed off to Mailman. But keep in mind that Mailman does not have any facility for creating or monitoring statistics, unless you want to create a script to do that.
It's also recorded in Mailman's logs (the "post" log).
Also is there a way to know who has posted a particular mail.
Yes. look at the post log.
Here is a stats script which does some of what you asked. I wrote it about 3 years ago...
[jonc@Anncons4 Useful_scripts]$ more mm_stats #! /bin/bash # Run monthly stats on Meeting maker logs # - top 10 users of each list # - Number of attempted posts (per list) # - Total bytes sent (per list) # written by Jon Carnes, last modified on Sept 26, 2002 # # Mailman's log file to be examined for stats #POST=/home/mailman/logs/post # # Run this script the first of the month right after the # the log files have been rotated. The log file for the # previous month will then be post.1 POST=/var/log/mailman/post.1
# create temp file to collect stats
TMPFILE=mktemp /tmp/mm_stats.XXXXXX
|| exit 1
LIST="/var/mailman/bin/list_lists |awk '{print $1}' |sed -n '2,$p'
for i in $LIST
echo "Stats from local Mailman list: $i" > $TMPFILE
echo " " >> $TMPFILE
echo -n " Starting: " >> $TMPFILE
head -1 $POST |cut -f1-3 "-d " >> $TMPFILE
echo -n " Ending: " >> $TMPFILE
tail -1 $POST |cut -f1-3 "-d " >> $TMPFILE
echo " ===" >> $TMPFILE
echo -n "Total posts to the list: " >> $TMPFILE
grep -i "post to $i " $POST |wc -l >> $TMPFILE
echo -n "Total SUCCESSFUL posts to the list: " >> $TMPFILE
grep -i "post to $i " $POST |grep success |wc -l >> $TMPFILE
SIZ=grep -i "post to $i" $POST |grep success |cut -f2 -d= |cut -f1 -d,
k=0; for j in $SIZ; do k=$(( j + k )); done
echo " Total bytes" = $k >> $TMPFILE
echo " " >> $TMPFILE
echo "Top 10 posters to the list:" >> $TMPFILE
grep -i "post to $i " $POST |cut -f 10 "-d " |sort |uniq -c
|sort -bgr |head -10 >> $TMPFILE
echo " " >> $TMPFILE
# Mail collected stats off to the list admin and cc the mailman user
mail -s "Mailman Stats for List: $i" -c mailman $i-admin <$TMPFILE
# remove the temp file rm $TMPFILE
Jon Carnes

Cleaning up my mail spool. Didn't see a response so...
The answer is yes. you can look at several of the log files maintained by Mailman and get a LOT of info. Among that information is who posted and when.
Here is a slice of a stats file I run monthly. This part lists the top ten posters to the list "mylist":
echo "Top 10 posters to the list mylist:"
grep -i "post to mylist " $POST |cut -f 10 "-d " |sort |uniq -c
|sort -bgr |head -10
Hope that helps *someone*
Jon Carnes
On Tue, 2005-02-08 at 06:57, vijayan p wrote:
I am the list administrator for a mailing list running mailman 2.1.3 with python.
My list is set as anonynmous list. So I cannot find the senders email id. I donot want to change the settings to non annoymous, as this will discourage people from posting to the group.
Can anyone tell me how to obtain the statistics of which member has posted how many messages.
Also is there a way to know who has posted a particular mail.
Regards, vijay
Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do we.
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participants (3)
Brad Knowles
Jon Carnes
vijayan p