On 08/05/2014 12:07, Sajan Parikh wrote:
I also found:
Is there some simple way to just get a counter of the number member subscribed in a list?
I don't have shell access on the mailman server, me neither.
So I wrote:
wget -O - --post-data "adminpw=${adminpw}"
"${listserv}/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/${listname}/members" > out
And started to hack with sed…
This gives some partial result:
sed -n '/<td COLSPAN="11" BGCOLOR="#dddddd"><center><em>/ { s/<[^>]\+>//g ; s/[^0-9 ]\+//g p }' out | awk '{print $2}' 927
The output stored in "out" have some accentuated character not matching the current locale of my bash session. So it seems complicated to perform the match with sed only…
I've rewritten it in PHP for the web purpose. It is simpler to match number. I share it here, in case of some interest:
Regards, Sylvain.
participants (1)
Sylvain Viart