Gentlemen, I was at the site of the Mail Man today and I am impressed. I have just completed building my web site, looking for a mailing list manager, and I think Mail Man is perfect for what I am looking for. However, I have a few questions.
- Is there any limit to the number of e mails that can be stored in Mail Man?
- If I want to use Mail Man for capturing the e mail of my subscribers and sending out the newsletter, can other features of Mail Man be disabled?
- I am not a computer tech, is it possible for me to install Mail Man on my own?
- If I need help to install and configure Mail Man, where can I get the help, and how much will it cost me? Thanks. Sincerely yours Dele Adebara
At 2:07 PM -0400 2004-06-04, Dele Adebara wrote:
- Is there any limit to the number of e mails that can be stored in Mail Man?
There is no hard-coded limit, no. There may be practical limits,
depending on the size of the messages, whether or not you allow attachments, how long you keep the archives, how big your hard drives are, etc....
- If I want to use Mail Man for capturing the e mail of my subscribers and sending out the newsletter, can other features of Mail Man be disabled?
What other features? Disabled in what way?
If all you want to do is run an announcement-only list, you can
do that. You install Mailman, you configure the lists, and then you don't make use of any of the other features.
- I am not a computer tech, is it possible for me to install Mail Man on my own?
Depending on how adept you are with computers, this is possible.
However, a certain amount of talent and skill will be required to install it, configure it, and maintain it.
- If I need help to install and configure Mail Man, where can I get the help, and how much will it cost me?
There are people on this list who could provide consulting
services. Alternatively, if you want to host your list somewhere else and let them have the job of maintaining the hardware, etc..., please see <>.
-- Brad Knowles, <>
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.
SAGE member since 1995. See <> for more info.
participants (2)
Brad Knowles
Dele Adebara