Searching the internet I found several references to just backup (tar or something similar) my lists and restore them to another place and after that just changing apache for the new virtual host, DNS, and aliases
but I'm finding some things strange, it seems the filenames are rather diferent:
OLD server:
version: mailman-2.0.13-1U80_1cl
list of files in /usr/lib/mailman/lists/test: -rw-rw-r-- 1 root mailman 1706 Dez 14 2001 admindbpreamble.html -rw-rw---- 1 mailman mailman 2900 Mai 29 17:00 config.db -rw-rw---- 1 mailman mailman 2900 Mai 29 12:00 config.db.last -rw-rw-r-- 1 root mailman 189 Dez 14 2001 handle_opts.html -rw-rw-r-- 1 root mailman 1026 Dez 14 2001 headfoot.html -rw-rw-r-- 1 root mailman 3136 Dez 14 2001 listinfo.html -rw-rw-r-- 1 root mailman 4106 Dez 14 2001 options.html -rw-rw-r-- 1 mailman mailman 2 Mai 29 17:00 request.db -rw-rw-r-- 1 root mailman 1169 Dez 14 2001 roster.html -rw-rw-r-- 1 root mailman 198 Dez 14 2001 subscribe.html
NEW server:
version: mailman-2.1.4-2mdk
lists of files in /var/lib/mailman/lists/mailman: -rw-rw---- 1 mail mail 3415 Mai 29 19:03 config.pck -rw-rw---- 1 mail mail 3415 Mai 29 18:50 config.pck.last
permissions/owner can be changed easelly but the files are so different!
Does anyone have a script to:
- export users, import in a new list
- save passwords of each list and recover (altough the size os the crypt password if rather diferent I don't want to contact each list owner
- export/import history
- export/import configuration of the list (owner, public/private etc)
Eduardo Jaime Quirós Batres (dojai@ufv.br) Suporte e Apóio ao Usuário - CPD - UFV

When I moved my lists from 2.0.5 to 2.1.4 I used that script:
mylist=mellemrummet mv old_inst/lists/$mylist new_inst/lists mv old_inst/archives/private/$mylist new_inst/archives/private mv old_inst/archives/private/$mylist.mbox new_inst/archives/private rm old_installation/archives/public/$mylist rm old_installation/archives/public/$mylist.mbox cd new_inst bin/withlist -l -r fix_url $mylist
Afterwards I had to remove all config.db and config.db.last files. It seems that the excistens of these files determine wether the old eller the new mailmaninstallation takes care of the incoming mail.
That was it. There was no need for special scripts for moving users og passwords. I think all information about a list is stored i the config* files.
Greetings Barbara
Eduardo Jaime Quiros Batres wrote:
-- med venlig hilsen Barbara
Barbara B. Johansen Det Humanistiske Fakultets EDB-kontor Aalborg Universitet Kroghstraede 3 DK 9220 Aalborg

When I moved my lists from 2.0.5 to 2.1.4 I used that script:
mylist=mellemrummet mv old_inst/lists/$mylist new_inst/lists mv old_inst/archives/private/$mylist new_inst/archives/private mv old_inst/archives/private/$mylist.mbox new_inst/archives/private rm old_installation/archives/public/$mylist rm old_installation/archives/public/$mylist.mbox cd new_inst bin/withlist -l -r fix_url $mylist
Afterwards I had to remove all config.db and config.db.last files. It seems that the excistens of these files determine wether the old eller the new mailmaninstallation takes care of the incoming mail.
That was it. There was no need for special scripts for moving users og passwords. I think all information about a list is stored i the config* files.
Greetings Barbara
Eduardo Jaime Quiros Batres wrote:
-- med venlig hilsen Barbara
Barbara B. Johansen Det Humanistiske Fakultets EDB-kontor Aalborg Universitet Kroghstraede 3 DK 9220 Aalborg
participants (2)
Barbara B. Johansen
Eduardo Jaime Quiros Batres