Apache2+Mailman - GID Issues

I am installing Mailman 2.1.5 on a new install of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0.
I am using it with Apache 2 and Postfix.
My configure line: ./configure --with-mail-gid=postfix --with-python=/usr/bin/python2.2 --with-cgi-gid=nobody
The group nobody exists. From httpd.conf, it is hard to tell what group Apache is using. Apache 1.3 clearly shows 'nobody'. The Apache 2 conf shows: Group #-1
If I try to configure with cgi-gid=-1, I get: checking for CGI wrapper group; i.e. --with-cgi-gid... configure: error:
When trying to view the listinfo page with these settings, I get the standard CGI error:
Failure to find group name nobody. Try adding this group to your system, or re-run configure, providing an existing group name with the command line option --with-cgi-gid.
I tried to search for this issue with Google and the FAQ and didn't find an answer.
Does anyone know?
Thanks, Hunter
participants (2)
David Gibbs
Hunter Hillegas