Moderator subscribing by email

I'm starting to write a program that my club needs to keep in sync a database and the subscribers of a couple of mailing list.
I know there are the users web pages, the -request or -subscribe addresses or the administration panel but I would like to automate the process.
It would be great if a list moderator or administrator could subscribe or unsubscribe somebody by email. I mean:
- the moderator sends a message to listname-request containing his (moderator) password and the address to subscribe.
- the address gets suscribed with no need to confirm.
I found nothing of this kind in the faq and in the archives of this mailing list.
I can't access the server, so I can't patch/add/modify any server file or configuration.
thank you maxx

emmexx did speak thusly:
Everything you said above that is essentially moot unless you can find somebody who can do so. What you wish to do requires code modifications, you are pretty much out of luck as there is no standard configuration that will allow you to do what you wish.
Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

emmexx did speak thusly:
Everything you said above that is essentially moot unless you can find somebody who can do so. What you wish to do requires code modifications, you are pretty much out of luck as there is no standard configuration that will allow you to do what you wish.
Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)
participants (2)