Need new SMTP provider—SMTP2Go won't allow what they call autoforwarding

Hi Everyone:
A few months ago STMP2Go was recommended to me, because Verizon discontinued authenticated mail relaying for senders not using a email address. More than the purported attempt to fight spam, I think, this was a way to lock people into using Verizon email addresses and making it harder to switch ISPs for those who do not want to change email addresses in the process.
SMTP2Go now informs me that the handful of Mailman mailing lists I am running for each of my kids, which automatically send copies to me and my wife, in addition to the respective child, are a violation of their mail relaying policy, because there is no way to eliminate the relaying of spam. They are concerned that the mail server that ultimately receives these messages will rat on SMTP2Go as having relayed spam, which will make their reputation and the deliverability of their other customers’ messages suffer. In my case, however, the recipients are all on my personal mail server, which doesn’t do any such reporting.
Regardless, what are other Mailman admin’s recommendations for 3rd-party SMTP services, hopefully ones, where I will not run into trouble with my configuration?
participants (1)
Dominik Hoffmann