I'm going to disagree a bit with Bernhard Reiter's expressed preferences, but wanted to note up front that "de gustibus non disputandum" probably applies here.
If it could be packaged together, and all the uid/gid settings reconciled, I could see it. But in fact it was a recent bad experience with hypermail, while moving my organizations web site to a different host, that made me pay attention to the announcements of Mailman. Maybe I got the wrong version of hypermail, or was expecting too much from it in terms of seamlessly absorbing a copied existing archive and picking up from there.
I always *think* that I favor modularisation, but then end up admiring something that's nicely integrated, and fuming at something modular that doesn't pop together smoothly.
But whether it be a well-behaved hypermail, or pipermail, or their successor from Bernhard's wish-list, I hope that Mailman continues to "know about" the archives -- that is, keep that link to the archives along with the other links on a list's page, and keep the archiving options on each list's management pages along with the other sorts of options.
Good idea.
I really like having that come up as a separate "help" window, leaving undisturbed the main window where I'm picking checkboxes. But then, I'm always amazed when I use browser-back to return to some form and it hasn't forgotten my choices so far; maybe I just need more faith :)
--Mitch Marks
Mitchell Marks (773) 702-6041 AAC-010A CUIP: Chicago Public Schools / Univ. of Chicago Internet Project http://cuip.uchicago.edu/cuip The University of Chicago -- fun and sun capital of the Midwest

hi, I have a password protected list. I use administrator confirmation of posts. Last night someone was able to modify my pages to remove this option. Could they have done this without the password ? How can I check ? The person seems to have just been roaming around the mailman pages, but how did he get to the admin section ? Like I say its password protected ...

I am not a tech-person; but how difficult would it be to 'port' the user-inerfaces to e.g. German? (So that the web-interface is in German)
Would the work have to be done again with an update?
Oliver Gassner Literatur Online: http://www.carpe.com Voice: 07042 978272 -- Fax 07042 940656

hi, I have a password protected list. I use administrator confirmation of posts. Last night someone was able to modify my pages to remove this option. Could they have done this without the password ? How can I check ? The person seems to have just been roaming around the mailman pages, but how did he get to the admin section ? Like I say its password protected ...

I am not a tech-person; but how difficult would it be to 'port' the user-inerfaces to e.g. German? (So that the web-interface is in German)
Would the work have to be done again with an update?
Oliver Gassner Literatur Online: http://www.carpe.com Voice: 07042 978272 -- Fax 07042 940656
participants (3)
David Sean McNicholl
Mitchell Marks