Two questions:
* Has anyone been using the arraymap function that's in Travis's
cephes 1.2 module? I think this is an interesting idea: giving
arbitrary python functions ufunc-like (array broadcasting)
properties when given numpy array arguments. (I noticed the Pearu's
multipack CVS module has only cephes 1.1 which seems to be missing
* Maybe I'm missing something, but is there any reason why multipack's
functions are not implemented as ufuncs? For example, it would …
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useful to be able to use multipack.leastsq() along an axis of a 3-d
array, or to use multipack.quad() over a 2 or 3-d space of
integration parameters.
Jon Moody
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I am looking for Python routines for evaluation of special functions,
including Airy, Bessel, beta, exponential integrals, logarithmic