Hi All,

On behalf of the NumPy team I am pleased to announce the release of NumPy 1.21.0rc1. The highlights are

  • continued SIMD work covering more functions and platforms,
  • initial work on the new dtype infrastructure and casting,
  • improved documentation,
  • improved annotations,
  • the new ``PCG64DXSM`` bitgenerator for random numbers.

  • This NumPy release is the result of 561 merged pull requests contributed by 171 people. The Python versions supported for this release are 3.7-3.9, support for Python 3.10 will be added after Python 3.10 is released. Wheels can be downloaded from PyPI; source archives, release notes, and wheel hashes are available on Github. Linux users will need pip >= 0.19.3 in order to install manylinux2010 and manylinux2014 wheels.


    A total of 171 people contributed to this release.  People with a "+" by their
    names contributed a patch for the first time.
    • @8bitmp3 +
    • @DWesl +
    • @Endolith
    • @Illviljan +
    • @Lbogula +
    • @Lisa +
    • @Patrick +
    • @Scian +
    • @h-vetinari +
    • @h6197627 +
    • @jbCodeHub +
    • @legoffant +
    • @sfolje0 +
    • @tautaus +
    • @yetanothercheer +
    • Abhay Raghuvanshi +
    • Adrian Price-Whelan +
    • Aerik Pawson +
    • Agbonze Osazuwa +
    • Aitik Gupta +
    • Al-Baraa El-Hag
    • Alex Henrie
    • Alexander Hunt +
    • Alizé Papp +
    • Allan Haldane
    • Amarnath1904 +
    • Amrit Krishnan +
    • Andras Deak
    • AngelGris +
    • Anne Archibald
    • Anthony Vo +
    • Antony Lee
    • Atharva-Vidwans +
    • Ayush Verma +
    • Bas van Beek
    • Bharat Raghunathan
    • Bhargav V +
    • Brian Soto
    • Carl Michal +
    • Charles Harris
    • Charles Stern +
    • Chiara Marmo +
    • Chris Barnes +
    • Chris Vavaliaris
    • Christina Hedges +
    • Christoph Gohlke
    • Christopher Dahlin +
    • Christos Efstathiou +
    • Chunlin Fang
    • Constanza Fierro +
    • Daniel Evans +
    • Daniel Montes +
    • Dario Mory +
    • David Carlier +
    • David Stansby
    • Deepyaman Datta +
    • Derek Homeier
    • Dong Keun Oh +
    • Dylan Cutler +
    • Eric Larson
    • Eric Wieser
    • Eva Jau +
    • Evgeni Burovski
    • FX Coudert +
    • Faris A Chugthai +
    • Filip Ter +
    • Filip Trojan +
    • François Le Lay +
    • Ganesh Kathiresan
    • Giannis Zapantis +
    • Giulio Procopio +
    • Greg Lucas +
    • Hollow Man +
    • Holly Corbett +
    • Inessa Pawson
    • Isabela Presedo-Floyd
    • Ismael Jimenez +
    • Isuru Fernando
    • Jakob Jakobson
    • James Gerity +
    • Jamie Macey +
    • Jasmin Classen +
    • Jody Klymak +
    • Joseph Fox-Rabinovitz
    • Jérome Eertmans +
    • Kamil Choudhury +
    • Kasia Leszek +
    • Keller Meier +
    • Kevin Sheppard
    • Kulin Seth +
    • Kumud Lakara +
    • Laura Kopf +
    • Laura Martens +
    • Leo Singer +
    • Leonardus Chen +
    • Lima Tango +
    • Lumir Balhar +
    • Maia Kaplan +
    • Mainak Debnath +
    • Marco Aurélio da Costa +
    • Marta Lemanczyk +
    • Marten van Kerkwijk
    • Mary Conley +
    • Marysia Winkels +
    • Mateusz Sokół +
    • Matt Haberland
    • Matt Hall +
    • Matt Ord +
    • Matthew Badin +
    • Matthias Bussonnier
    • Matthias Geier
    • Matti Picus
    • Matías Ríos +
    • Maxim Belkin +
    • Melissa Weber Mendonça
    • Meltem Eren Copur +
    • Michael Dubravski +
    • Michael Lamparski
    • Michal W. Tarnowski +
    • Michał Górny +
    • Mike Boyle +
    • Mike Toews
    • Misal Raj +
    • Mitchell Faas +
    • Mukulikaa Parhari +
    • Neil Girdhar +
    • Nicholas McKibben +
    • Nico Schlömer
    • Nicolas Hug +
    • Nilo Kruchelski +
    • Nirjas Jakilim +
    • Ohad Ravid +
    • Olivier Grisel
    • Pamphile ROY +
    • Panos Mavrogiorgos +
    • Patrick T. Komiske III +
    • Pearu Peterson
    • Raghuveer Devulapalli
    • Ralf Gommers
    • Raúl Montón Pinillos +
    • Rin Arakaki +
    • Robert Kern
    • Rohit Sanjay
    • Roman Yurchak
    • Ronan Lamy
    • Ross Barnowski
    • Ryan C Cooper
    • Ryan Polley +
    • Ryan Soklaski
    • Sabrina Simao +
    • Sayed Adel
    • Sebastian Berg
    • Shen Zhou +
    • Stefan van der Walt
    • Sylwester Arabas +
    • Takanori Hirano
    • Tania Allard +
    • Thomas J. Fan +
    • Thomas Orgis +
    • Tim Hoffmann
    • Tomoki, Karatsu +
    • Tong Zou +
    • Touqir Sajed +
    • Tyler Reddy
    • Wansoo Kim
    • Warren Weckesser
    • Weh Andreas +
    • Yang Hau
    • Yashasvi Misra +
    • Zolboo Erdenebaatar +
    • Zolisa Bleki

    Charles Harris