On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:25 AM, Bruce Southey <bsouthey@gmail.com> wrote:
On 02/28/2011 09:02 AM, Benjamin Root wrote:
> So, is there still no hope in addressing this old bug report of mine?
> http://projects.scipy.org/numpy/ticket/1562
> Ben Root
I think you need to add more details to this. So do you have an example
of the problem that includes code and expected output?

Perhaps genfromtxt is probably more appropriate than loadtxt for what
you want:

from StringIO import StringIO
import numpy as np
t = StringIO("1,1.3,abcde\n2,2.3,wxyz\n1\n3,3.3,mnop")
data = np.genfromtxt(t,
[('myint','i8'),('myfloat','f8'),('mystring','S5')], names =
['myint','myfloat','mystring'], delimiter=",", invalid_raise=False)
print 'Bad data raise\n',data

This gives the output that skips the incomplete 3rd line:

ConversionWarning: Some errors were detected !
    Line #3 (got 1 columns instead of 3)
  warnings.warn(errmsg, ConversionWarning)
Bad data raise
[(1, 1.3, 'abcde') (2, 2.3, 'wxyz') (3, 3.3, 'mnop')]



I think you mis-understood the problem I was reporting.  You can find the discussion thread here:


I have proposed that at the very least, an example of this problem is added to the documentation of loadtxt so that users know to be aware of this possibility.

In addition, loadtxt fails on empty files even when provided with a dtype.  I believe genfromtxt also fails as well in this case.

Ben Root