>> import numpy as np
>> a = np.array( [ [5,8,1,3,0], [5,6,2,1,3], [1,4,9,1,3], [8,0,4,7,0] ] )
>> # PROPOSED FEATURE: return (ordered) top 4 values in array:
>> a.top_k(k=4)
array([9, 8, 8, 7])
>> # CURRENT METHOD: return (ordered) top 4 values in array:
>> np.sort( np.partition(a.flatten(), -4)[-4:] )[::-1] # faster method
array([9, 8, 8, 7])
>> np.sort(a.flatten())[::-1][:4] # slower method
array([9, 8, 8, 7])
>> # PROPOSED FEATURE: return INDICES of (ordered) top 4 values in array:
>> a.top_k(k=4, return_indices=True)
>> # CURRENT METHOD: return INDICES of (ordered) top 4 values in array:
>> (-a.flatten()).argsort()[:4]
>> # PROPOSED FEATURE: multidimensional examples:
>> a.top_k(k=3, axis=0)
array( [8,5,1], [8,6,4], [9,4,2], [7,3,1], [3,3,0] )
>> a.top_k(k=3, axis=1)
array( [8,5,3], [6,5,2], [9,4,3], [8,7,4] )
Joe,Could you show an example that you find inelegant and elaborate on how you intend to improve it? It's hard to discuss without more specific information.- Joe_______________________________________________On Tue, Feb 22, 2022, 07:23 Joseph Bolton <joseph.jazz.bolton@gmail.com> wrote:Morning,My apologies if this deviates from the vision of numpy:I find myself often requiring the indices and/or values of the top (or bottom) k items in a numpy array.I am aware of solutions involving partition/argpartition but these are inelegant.I am thinking of 1-dimensional arrays, but this concept extends to an arbitrary number of dimensions.Is this a feature that would benefit the numpy package? I am happy to code it up.Thanks for your time!Best regardsJoe_______________________________________________
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