Excellent--this setup works perfectly!  In the areas I was concentrating on, the the speed increased an order of magnitude.

However, the overall speed seems to have dropped.  I believe this may be because the heavy indexing that follows on the result is slower in numpy.  Is this a correct analysis? 

What would be amazing is if I could port the other half of the algorithm to numpy too . . .

The algorithm is for light volume extrusion of geometry.  Pseudocode of the rest of the algorithm:

1  v_array #array of beautifully transformed vertices from last step
2  n_array #array of beautifully transformed normals from last step
3  f_list  #list of vec4s, where every vec4 is three vertex indices and a
4          #normal index.  These indices
together describe a triangle--
5          #three vertex indices into "v_array", and one normal from "n_array". 

6  edges = []
7  for v1index,v2index,v3index,nindex in f_list:
8      v1,v2,v3 = [v_array[i] for i in [vi1index,v2index,v3index]]
9      if angle_between(n_array[nindex],v1-a_constant_point)<90deg:
10         for edge in [[v1index,v2index],[v2index,v3index],[v3index,v1index]]:
11             #add "edge" to "edges"
12 #remove pairs of identical edges (also note that things like
13 #[831,326] are the same as [326,831])

14 edges2 = []
15 for edge in edges:
16     edges2.append(v_array[edge[0]],v_array[edge[1]])
17 return edges2

If that needs clarification, let me know. 

The goal with this is obviously to remove as many looping operations as possible.  I think the slowdown may be in lines 8, 9, and 16, as these are the lines that index into v_array or n_array. 

In line 9, the normal "n_array[nindex]" is tested against any vector from a vertex (in this case "v1") to a constant point (here, the light's position) see if it is less than 90deg--that is, that the triangle's front is towards the light.  I thought this might be a particularly good candidate for a boolean array?

The edge pair removal is something that I have worked fairly extensively on.  By testing and removing pairs as they are added (line 11), a bit more performance can be gained.  I have put it here in 12-13 because I'm not sure this can be done in numpy.  My current algorithm works using Python's standard sets, and using the "edge" as a key.  If an edge is already in the set of edges (in the same or reversed form), then the edge is removed from the set. 

I may be able to do something with lines 14-17 myself--but I'm not sure. 

If my code above can't be simplified using numpy, is there a way to efficiently convert numpy arrays back to standard Python lists? 

As mentioned before, I'm certainly no pro with numpy--but I am learning! 