I tried updating my distutils and numpy from their CVS sites last night, to try building and found the following problems. Distutils from :pserver:distutilscvs@cvs.python.org:/projects/cvsroot has a most recent tag of Distutils-0_8_2. Where can I get CVS access to Distutils 0.9, or is this a tar-only distribution. On a related note, the cvs of Numerical Python from SourceForge has a most recent tag of V15_2. If I get the most recent (untagged) version, of NumPy, there is not lapack_lite_library directory, so "setup.py install" fails. Does this mean that Numerical Python 15.3 has not yet been checked into the CVS repository? It's a bit confusing when the CVS repositories are not up to date with the most recent releases. Could someone clarify for me, please. Jonathan Gilligan