Robert, Thanks for pointing out auditwheel. We're experimenting with a GCC 5.2 toolchain, and this tool will be invaluable. Chris, Both conda-build-all and obvious-ci are excellent projects, and we'll leverage them where we can (particularly conda-build-all). Obvious CI and conda-smithy are in a slightly different space, as we want to use our own anaconda.org build service, rather than write scripts to run on other CI services. With more control, we can do cool things like splitting up build jobs and further parallelizing them on more workers, which I see as very important if we're going to be building downstream stuff. As I see it, the single, massive recipe repo that is conda-recipes has been a disadvantage for a while in terms of complexity, but now may be an advantage in terms of building downstream packages (how else would dependency get resolved?) It remains to be seen whether git submodules might replace individual folders in conda-recipes - I think this might give project maintainers more direct control over their packages. The goal, much like ObviousCI, is to enable project maintainers to get their latest releases available in conda sooner, and to simplify the whole CI setup process. We hope we can help each other rather than compete. Best, Michael On Sat, Feb 6, 2016 at 5:53 PM Chris Barker <chris.barker@noaa.gov> wrote:
On Sat, Feb 6, 2016 at 3:42 PM, Michael Sarahan <msarahan@gmail.com> wrote:
FWIW, we (Continuum) are working on a CI system that builds conda recipes.
great, could be handy. I hope you've looked at the open-source systems that do this: obvious-ci and conda-build-all. And conda-smithy to help set it all up..
Chris, it may still be useful to use docker here (perhaps on the build
worker, or elsewhere), also, as the distinction between build machines and user machines is important to make. Docker would be great for making sure that all dependency requirements are met on end-user systems
yes -- veryhandy, I have certainly accidentally brough in other system libs in a build....
Too bad it's Linux only. Though very useful for manylinux.
Christopher Barker, Ph.D. Oceanographer
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