On Mon, Oct 4, 2021 at 12:39 PM Matthew Brett <matthew.brett@gmail.com> wrote:

Dropping 32-bit wheels seems very reasonable at this stage, as long as
we keep testing on 32-bit, for the Raspberry Pi folks,

+1 for this plan. Testing in regular CI has value, and is less of a pain than building wheels.




On Sun, Oct 3, 2021 at 6:27 PM Charles R Harris
<charlesr.harris@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Dropping 32 manylinux wheels was discussed in a triage meeting some time ago and the general consensus was to do so. However, it has never been run past the larger community on the discussion list, so this is that. Note that we have already dropped 32 bit manylinux wheels for the upcoming Python 3.10 as that Python version is only available on Ubuntu focal (20.04) and Ubuntu dropped 32 bit support in 19.10 while Fedora dropped it in 31. Rasbian is still largely 32 bit, but they have their own ppa source.  We will continue to offer 32 wheels on Windows as it remains popular there.
> Thoughts?
> Chuck
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