On 7/29/04 3:55 PM, "Stephen Walton" <stephen.walton@csun.edu> wrote:
On Thu, 2004-07-29 at 11:57, Chris Barker wrote:
One linked against the Apple Supplied vec-lib as the BLAS. (From Bob Ippolito's PackMan database (http://undefined.org/python/pimp/)
Well, I'm a sucker for trying to increase performance :-) . AMD's Web site recommends ATLAS as the best source for an Athlon-optimized BLAS. I happen to have ATLAS installed, and the time for Chris Barker's test went from 4.95 seconds to 0.91 seconds on a dual-Athlon MP 2200+ system.
To build numarray 1.0 with this setup, I had to modify addons.py a bit, both to use LAPACK and ATLAS and because ATLAS was built here with the Absoft Fortran compiler version 8.2 (I haven't tried g77). Is anyone interested in this?
Well, I guess we are :-) Let us know what you had to do to get it to work. Thanks, Perry