Rick White writes:
The hardest part (as you mention) is that IDL has a really large collection of built-in functions which probably will not be readily available in Python. Until someone writes things like the morphological dilation and erosion operations, it won't be possible to translate IDL programs that use them.
By the way, I do have binary erosion and dilation, along with connected components analysis, flood fill region grow, and several other common 2D/3D image processing functions working in NumPy. I would be glad to share them. I don't know how similar the interface is to IDL, since I have never used IDL. - Joe Reinhardt -- Joseph M. Reinhardt, Ph.D. Department of Biomedical Engineering joe-reinhardt@uiowa.edu University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 Telephone: 319-335-5634 FAX: 319-335-5631