On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 11:35 PM, Sudheer Joseph <sudheer.joseph@yahoo.com> wrote:
Hi Brad,
                I am not getting the attribute reshape for the array, are you having a different version of numpy than mine?

I have 
In [55]: np.__version__
Out[55]: '1.7.0'
and detail of the shape

details of variable 

In [57]: ssh??
Type:       NetCDFVariable
String Form:<NetCDFVariable object at 0x492d3d8>
Namespace:  Interactive
Length:     75
Docstring:  NetCDF Variable

In [58]: ssh.shape
Out[58]: (75, 140, 180)

Type:       NetCDFVariable
String Form:<NetCDFVariable object at 0x492d3d8>
Namespace:  Interactive
Length:     75
Docstring:  NetCDF Variable

In [66]: ssh.shape
Out[66]: (75, 140, 180)

In [67]: ssh.reshape(75,140*180)
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
/home/sjo/RAMA_20120807/adcp/<ipython-input-67-1a21dae1d18d> in <module>()
----> 1 ssh.reshape(75,140*180)

AttributeError: reshape

Ah, you have a NetCDF variable, which in many ways purposefully looks like a NumPy array, but isn't.  Just keep in mind that a NetCDF variable is merely a way to have the data available without actually reading it in until you need it.  If you do:

ssh_data = ssh[:]

Then the NetCDF variable will read all the data in the file and return it as a numpy array that can be manipulated as you wish.

I hope that helps!
Ben Root