Jan. 4, 2025
8:25 p.m.
Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you took the opportunity during the holiday break to rest and recharge. The next NumPy triage meeting will be held this Wednesday, January 8th at 18:00 UTC. As always, this is a meeting where we synchronously triage prioritized PRs and issues. Everyone is welcome to attend and contribute to a conversation. Join us via Zoom: https://numfocus-org.zoom.us/j/82096749952?pwd=MW9oUmtKQ1c3a2gydGk1RTdYUUVXZ... Please notify us of issues or PRs that you’d like to have reviewed by adding a GitHub link to them in the meeting agenda: https://hackmd.io/68i_JvOYQfy9ERiHgXMPvg -- Cheers, Inessa Inessa Pawson GitHub: inessapawson