A - np.digitize(A, S) Should do the trick, just make sure that S is sorted and A and S do not overlap,
if they do remove those items from A using set operations.
On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 2:14 PM, Mads Ipsen
<madsipsen@gmail.com> wrote:
Suppose you have N items, say N = 10.
Now a subset of these items are selected given by a list A of
indices. Lets say that items A = [2,5,7] are selected. Assume now
that you delete some of the items given by the indices S =
[1,4,8]. This means that the list of indices A must be updated,
since items have been deleted. For this particular case the
updated selection list A becomes A = [1,3,5].
Is there some smart numpy way of doing this index update of the
selected items in A without looping? Typically N is large.
Best regards,
| Mads Ipsen |
| Gåsebæksvej 7, 4. tv | |
| DK-2500 Valby | phone: +45-29716388 |
| Denmark | email: mads.ipsen@gmail.com |
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