At 11:30 AM -0400 9/15/00, Scott M. Ransom wrote:
Frank Horowitz wrote:
However, when I coerced the distutils system to get around that bug (by specifying "/usr/lib " with a trailing blank for the BLASLIBDIR and LAPACKLIBDIR variables in setup.py) the same problem (i.e. an "ImportError: /usr/lib/liblapack.so.3: undefined symbol: e_wsfe" in importing lapack_lite) ultimately manifested itself.
This problem is easily fixed (at least on linux) by performing the link of lapack_lite.so with g77 instead of gcc (this is required because the lapack and/or blas libraries are based on fortran object files...).
Good on ya, Scott. You nailed it. When I did this by hand, it worked. What I now need to figure out is how to coerce distutils into doing that automagically so others can benefit without this pain! Cheers, Frank Horowitz Dr. Frank Horowitz __ \ CSIRO Exploration & Mining ,~' L_|\ Australian 39 Fairway, PO Box 437, ;-' \ Geodynamics Nedlands, WA 6009 Australia ( \ Cooperative Phone +61 9 284 8431 + ___ / Research Fax +61 9 389 1906 L~~' "\__/ Centre frank@ned.dem.csiro.au W