(sorry, no time for full reply, so for now just answering what I believe is the main point) 2013/1/4 Andrew Collette <andrew.collette@gmail.com>:
The ValueError is here to warn you that the operation may not be doing what you want. The rollover for smaller values would be the documented (and thus hopefully expected) behavior.
Right, but what confuses me is that the only thing this prevents is the current upcast behavior. Why is that so evil it should be replaced with an exception?
The evilness lies in the silent switch between the rollover and upcast behavior, as in the example I gave previously: In [50]: np.array([2], dtype='int8') + 127 Out[50]: array([-127], dtype=int8) In [51]: np.array([2], dtype='int8') + 128 Out[51]: array([130], dtype=int16) If the scalar is the user-supplied value, it's likely you actually want a fixed behavior (either rollover or upcast) regardless of the numeric value being provided. Looking at what other numeric libraries are doing is definitely a good suggestion. -=- Olivier