On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 05:48:02PM -0500, Dave Peterson wrote:
easy_install Mayavi
Just a precision (I just got caught by that), to install mayavi2, the application, and not just the 3d visualization library that can be used eg in ipython, you need to do: easy_install "Mayavi[ui]" ie the Mayavi project, with the optional ui component. In addition, you need to choose a toolkit. You can do this with the following command: easy_install "Traits[ui,wx]" Finally, under Linux, the above commands will install by default the packages to your /usr/lib/python2.x/site-packages. If like me you believe this is owned by the package manager and you would like to install to /usr/local/lib/python2.x/site-packages, just use the follwing switch: easy_install --prefix "Mayavi[ui]" Gaƫl