How about using the old name np.mat() for this type of array creation?
So the:
A = np.mat(“1 2;3 4”)
creates a two dimensional array.
But then resulting in an array A instead of the matrix type? It might at least provide some partial downward compatibility.
Best regards,
Jacco Hoekstra
From: []
On Behalf Of Alexander Belopolsky
Sent: maandag 7 juli 2014 6:30
To: Discussion of Numerical Python
Subject: Re: [Numpy-discussion] Short-hand array creation in `numpy.mat` style
On Sun, Jul 6, 2014 at 10:59 PM, Eric Firing <> wrote:
> I would suggest calling it something like np.array_simple or
> np.array_from_string, but the best choice IMO, would be
> np.ndarray.from_string (a static constructor method).
I think the problem is that this defeats the point: minimizing typing
when doing an off-the-cuff demo or test.
You can always put np.arr = np.ndarray.from_string or even arr = np.ndarray.from_string right next to the line where you define np. (Which makes me wonder if something like this belongs to ipython magic.)