Hi all, I propose to officially accepting NEP 41: "First step towards a new Datatype System" If you have any concerns please let me know or discuss here within a week. If there are no concerns voiced the NEP may be accepted. I realize that there may be some who need time to think about this individually and will of course wait, but at this time I hope that no larger discussion on the mailing list will be necessary. Again, the main immediate effect/design choice is that there will be classes for each NumPy dtype: float64 = np.dtype("float64") # Native byteorder float64 Float64DType = type(float64) # np.dtype[float64] issubclass(Float64DType, np.dtype) # True isinstance(float64, np.dtype) # True (as before) And in the above `float64.newbyteorder()` will also be an instance of the same `Float64DType` class. As such the class `Float64DType` in the above represents what is currently represented by the type number: `float64.num` This does admittedly mean that `Float64DType` effectively is a class with only a singleton instance in most cases, since non-native byte order or metadata are rarely used. Multiple instances are mainly necessary for datatypes such as current strings (with varying length) or datetimes (with a unit). There are probably alternatives and the boundaries between instances and can be drawn at different places (even within this framework), but I believe that it is the practical and intuitive approach to draw them at the current type numbers. Best, Sebastian On Wed, 2020-03-11 at 17:02 -0700, Sebastian Berg wrote:
Hi all,
I am pleased to propose NEP 41: First step towards a new Datatype System https://numpy.org/neps/nep-0041-improved-dtype-support.html
This NEP motivates the larger restructure of the datatype machinery in NumPy and defines a few fundamental design aspects. The long term user impact will be allowing easier and more rich featured user defined datatypes.
As this is a large restructure, the NEP represents only the first steps with some additional information in further NEPs being drafted [1] (this may be helpful to look at depending on the level of detail you are interested in). The NEP itself does not propose to add significant new public API. Instead it proposes to move forward with an incremental internal refactor and lays the foundation for this process.
The main user facing change at this time is that datatypes will become classes (e.g. ``type(np.dtype("float64"))`` will be a float64 specific class. For most users, the main impact should be many new datatypes in the long run (see the user impact section). However, for those interested in API design within NumPy or with respect to implementing new datatypes, this and the following NEPs are important decisions in the future roadmap for NumPy.
The current full text is reproduced below, although the above link is probably a better way to read it.
[1] NEP 40 gives some background information about the current systems and issues with it: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/1248cf7a8765b7b53d883f9e7061173817533aac... and NEP 42 being a first draft of how the new API may look like:
https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/f07e25cdff3967a19c4cc45c6e1a94a38f53cee3... (links to current rendered versions, check https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/15505 and https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/15507 for updates)