The numpy array is created using PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(). From the Guide to NumPy, "[y]ou should ensure that the provided memory is not freed while the returned array is in existence." That is, numpy does not try to deallocate the memory when the ndarray object is destroyed, but it also *assumes* that you do not deallocate it yourself. Since numpy.i is dealing with essentially non-reference- counted pointers to raw buffers, I have no way to guarantee this. I think the typical use case will be that you wrap a class that allocates a chunk of memory (that it deallocates when it gets destroyed). It gives you a view to that data, which we then encapsulate with a numpy array. If you create such an object, extract such an array, and then destroy the object but not the array, then the numpy array will point to garbage, possibly resulting in a segmentation fault when you try to access it. The only answer I know of is to not destroy the object before the array. There are situations where you just can't get around it (based on how the C++ class was designed). But if you can get around it, you should. On Nov 30, 2007, at 3:55 AM, Sebastian Haase wrote:
Could you elaborate on what you mean by "potentially dangerous" !? Is it important *how* the internal data memory was allocated ? Using "new" or using "malloc" ? This would require (following the standard) that the correct, i.e. corresponding, delete[] or free() [respectively], de-allocation function is called.
When is the memory being freed ? Is (or can !) python taking ownership of the memory and calls the correct "free"/"delete[]" function ?
** Bill Spotz ** ** Sandia National Laboratories Voice: (505)845-0170 ** ** P.O. Box 5800 Fax: (505)284-0154 ** ** Albuquerque, NM 87185-0370 Email: **