On Thu, Jun 04, 2009 at 11:03:36AM -0700, Ariel Rokem wrote:
I have a question - how do I go about uninstalling my previous version of the ETS? A more general question to anyone - what's the right way of uninstalling any old python package? In the past, I have been advised to go in and run "rm -rf" on the directory inside my site-packages directory (and remove stuff from "easy-install.pth"?),
That's the right way to do it.
but in the case of ETS, I am not even sure which directories in there belong to ETS.
This is a real problem that has not been addressed so far.
Is there some elegant way of uninstalling python packages?
Not when they have been installed with setuptools, AFAIK. You need to keep track of what dependency installed what. A proposal is out to implement uninstall http://tarekziade.wordpress.com/2009/05/10/distutils-state/ However, I am not sure how this will address the concern of installing a chain of dependencies brought by one package. Ga�l